18 During those years many misfortunes came upon him. He lost his parents by death,—then his wife and his only child. So that he found himself alone in the world. He abandoned his desolate home, and set out upon a long journey in the hope of forgetting his sorrows.
18 その間、多くの不幸が彼を襲った。両親を亡くし、妻と一人っ子。そのため、彼は世界で一人でいることに気づきました。彼は荒れ果てた家を捨て、悲しみを忘れようと長い旅に出た。
19 One day, in the course of his travels, he arrived at Ikao,—a mountain-village still famed for its thermal springs, and for the beautiful scenery of its neighborhood. In the village-inn at which he stopped, a young girl came to wait upon him; and, at the first sight of her face, he felt his heart leap as it had never leaped before. So strangely did she resemble O-Tei that he pinched himself to make sure that he was not dreaming. As she went and came,—bringing fire and food, or arranging the chamber of the guest,—her every attitude and motion revived in him some gracious memory of the girl to whom he had been pledged in his youth. He spoke to her; and she responded in a soft, clear voice of which the sweetness saddened him with a sadness of other days.
19 旅の途中のある日、彼は伊香尾に到着しました。この村は、今でも温泉とその周辺の美しい景色で有名な山村です。彼が立ち寄った村の旅館で、若い女の子が彼を待っていました。そして、彼女の顔を一目見ただけで、今までにないほど心臓が跳ねるのを感じました。奇妙なことに、彼女はお貞にとても似ていたので、彼は自分が夢を見ているのではないことを確認するために自分をつまんだ。彼女が行ったり来たりするとき、火や食べ物を持ってきたり、ゲストの部屋を整えたりするとき、彼女のすべての態度と動きは、彼が若い頃に約束した少女の優雅な思い出を彼に蘇らせました。彼は彼女に話しかけた。すると彼女は柔らかく澄んだ声で答えたが、その甘美さが彼をかつての悲しみで悲しませた。
20 Then, in great wonder, he questioned her, saying:—
20 それから、彼は非常に不思議に思って、彼女に質問して言った:—
21 “Elder Sister (3), so much do you look like a person whom I knew long ago, that I was startled when you first entered this room. Pardon me, therefore, for asking what is your native place, and what is your name?”
22 Immediately,—and in the unforgotten voice of the dead,—she thus made answer:—
22 すぐに、そして忘れられない死者の声で、彼女はこう答えた。
23 “My name is O-Tei; and you are Nagao Chōsei of Echigo, my promised husband. Seventeen years ago, I died in Niigata: then you made in writing a promise to marry me if ever I could come back to this world in the body of a woman;—and you sealed that written promise with your seal, and put it in the _butsudan_, beside the tablet inscribed with my name. And therefore I came back.”…
23 「私の名前はお亭です。そしてあなたは私の約束の夫、越後の長尾長生です。 17 年前、私は新潟で亡くなりました。そのとき、あなたは書面で、私が女性の体でこの世界に戻ってくることができれば、私と結婚するという約束をしました。私の名前が刻まれたタブレットの横にある_仏壇_。だから戻ってきたんだ…」
24 As she uttered these last words, she fell unconscious.
24 彼女がこれらの最後の言葉を発したとき、彼女は意識を失いました。
25 Nagao married her; and the marriage was a happy one. But at no time afterwards could she remember what she had told him in answer to his question at Ikao: neither could she remember anything of her previous existence. The recollection of the former birth,—mysteriously kindled in the moment of that meeting,—had again become obscured, and so thereafter remained.
25 長尾は彼女と結婚した。そして結婚は幸せなものでした。しかしその後、彼女はイカオでの彼の質問に答えて彼に言ったことを思い出すことができなかった.彼女はまた、彼女の以前の存在について何も思い出せなかった.前世の記憶――その出会いの瞬間に神秘的に燃え上がった――は再び不明瞭になり、その後も残っていた。