【642/3P】The Quarrel of the Monkey and the Crab(猿蟹合戦)

41 Now the stone mortar had hidden himself with several other stones on the top of the crab’s gate, and as the monkey ran underneath, the mortar and all fell down on the top of the monkey’s head. Was it possible for the monkey to bear the weight of the mortar falling on him from the top of the gate? He lay crushed and in great pain, quite unable to get up. As he lay there helpless the young crab came up, and, holding his great claw scissors over the monkey, he said:

41 さて、石臼は蟹の門のてっぺんに他のいくつかの石と一緒に身を隠していた。サルが門の下を走ると、臼とすべてが猿の頭の上に落ちた。猿は門の上から迫り来る迫撃砲の重さに耐えることができたでしょうか。彼は押しつぶされ、ひどい痛みに横たわり、起き上がることができませんでした。彼が無力にそこに横たわっていると、若いカニが現れ、彼の大きな鉤爪をサルの上に置いて、彼は言いました:

42 “Do you now remember that you murdered my father?”


43 “Then you—are—my—enemy?” gasped the monkey brokenly.


44 “Of course,” said the young crab.

44 「もちろん」と若いカニは言いました。

45 “It—was—your—father’s—fault—not—mine!” gasped the unrepentant monkey.

45 「それは、あなたの父のせいでした。私のせいではありません。」悔い改めないサルはあえぎました。

46 “Can you still lie? I will soon put an end to your breath!” and with that he cut off the monkey’s head with his pitcher claws. Thus the wicked monkey met his well-merited punishment, and the young crab avenged his father’s death.


47 This is the end of the story of the monkey, the crab, and the persimmon-seed.

47 猿と蟹と柿の種の話はこれで終わりです。