【642/3P】The Quarrel of the Monkey and the Crab(猿蟹合戦)

21 He at first thought of going to attack the monkey at once, for he burned with rage. Second thoughts, however, told him that this was useless, for the monkey was an old and cunning animal and would be hard to overcome. He must meet cunning with cunning and ask some of his friends to help him, for he knew it would be quite out of his power to kill him alone.

21 彼は怒りに燃えていたので、すぐにサルを攻撃しようと思った。しかし、考え直してみると、サルは年老いて狡猾な動物であり、克服するのは難しいため、これは役に立たないことがわかりました。彼は狡猾さで狡猾に会い、彼を助けるために彼の友人の何人かに頼まなければなりません.

22 The young crab set out at once to call on the mortar, his father’s old friend, and told him of all that had happened. He besought the mortar with tears to help him avenge his father’s death. The mortar was very sorry when he heard the woful tale and promised at once to help the young crab punish the monkey to death. He warned him that he must be very careful in what he did, for the monkey was a strong and cunning enemy. The mortar now sent to fetch the bee and the chestnut (also the crab’s old friends) to consult them about the matter. In a short time the bee and the chestnut arrived. When they were told all the details of the old crab’s death and of the monkey’s wickedness and greed, they both gladly consented to help the young crab in his revenge.

22 子ガニは、父親の旧友であるモルタルを訪ねるためにすぐに出発し、起こったことをすべて彼に話しました。彼は涙を流しながらモルタルに、父の仇を討つ助けを求めた。迫撃砲は、ひどい話を聞いてとても気の毒に思い、すぐに若いカニが猿を罰するのを手伝うと約束しました。彼は、サルは強くて狡猾な敵だったので、自分がすることには非常に注意しなければならないと彼に警告しました。迫撃砲は、問題について相談するために、ミツバチとクリ(カニの旧友でもある)を連れてくるために送られました。あっという間にミツバチと栗がやってきました。年老いたカニの死と猿の邪悪さと貪欲さのすべての詳細を聞かされたとき、彼らは喜んで若いカニの復讐を手伝うことに同意しました。

23 After talking for a long time as to the ways and means of carrying out their plans they separated, and Mr. Mortar went home with the young crab to help him bury his poor father.

23 彼らの計画を実行する方法と手段について長い間話し合った後、彼らは別れ、モルタル氏は貧しい父親を埋葬するのを手伝うために若いカニと一緒に家に帰りました.

24 While all this was taking place the monkey was congratulating himself (as the wicked often do before their punishment comes upon them) on all he had done so neatly. He thought it quite a fine thing that he had robbed his friend of all his ripe persimmons and then that he had killed him. Still, smile as hard as he might, he could not banish altogether the fear of the consequences should his evil deeds be discovered. IF he were found out (and he told himself that this could not be for he had escaped unseen) the crab’s family would be sure to bear him hatred and seek to take revenge on him. So he would not go out, and kept himself at home for several days. He found this kind of life, however, extremely dull, accustomed as he was to the free life of the woods, and at last he said:

24 このすべてが行われている間、猿は自分がきちんとやったすべてのことを自分自身に祝福していました (悪人が罰を受ける前にしばしば行うように)。彼は、友人から熟した柿をすべて奪い、それから彼を殺したのは非常に素晴らしいことだと思いました。それでも、彼の悪行が発見された場合の結果への恐怖を完全に取り除くことはできませんでした.彼が発見された場合(そして、これは彼が見られずに逃げたからではないと彼は自分に言い聞かせた)、カニの家族は彼に憎しみを抱き、彼に復讐しようとするだろう.それで彼は外出せず、数日間家に閉じこもりました。しかし、彼はこの種の生活が非常に退屈で、森の自由な生活に慣れていることに気づき、最後にこう言いました。

25 “No one knows that it was I who killed the crab! I am sure that the old thing breathed his last before I left him. Dead crabs have no mouths! Who is there to tell that I am the murderer? Since no one knows, what is the use of shutting myself up and brooding over the matter? What is done cannot be undone!”

25 「カニを殺したのが私だとは誰も知らない!私が彼を離れる前に、古いものは彼の最後の息を吐いたと確信しています。死んだカニに口がない!私が殺人者だと誰が言いますか?誰にもわからないのに、黙って考え込んで何の役に立つの?やってしまったことは取り返しがつきません!」

26 With this he wandered out into the crab settlement and crept about as slyly as possible near the crab’s house and tried to hear the neighbors’ gossip round about. He wanted to find out what the crabs were saving about their chief’s death, for the old crab had been the chief of the tribe. But he heard nothing and said to himself:

26 それで彼はカニの集落に出て行き、カニの家の近くをできるだけずる賢く忍び寄り、近所の人たちのうわさ話に耳を傾けようとしました。年老いたカニは部族の長だったので、彼はカニが彼らの首長の死について何を救っているのかを知りたがっていました。しかし、彼は何も聞こえず、自分自身に言いました:

27 “They are all such fools that they don’t know and don’t care who murdered their chief!”

27 「彼らは皆、自分たちの首長を殺したのが誰であるかを知りませんし、気にもかけないほど愚かです!」

28 Little did he know in his so-called “monkey’s wisdom” that this seeming unconcern was part of the young crab’s plan. He purposely pretended not to know who killed his father, and also to believe that he had met his death through his own fault. By this means he could the better keep secret the revenge on the monkey, which he was meditating.

28 彼はいわゆる「猿の知恵」の中で、この無関心に見えることが若いカニの計画の一部であることをほとんど知りませんでした.彼は故意に誰が父親を殺したのか知らないふりをし、自分のせいで死んだのだと信じているふりをした.こうすることで、彼は瞑想していた猿への復讐を秘密にしておくことができた.

29 So the monkey returned home from his walk quite content. He told himself he had nothing now to fear.

29 それでサルはとても満足して散歩から家に帰りました。彼は今、恐れるものは何もないと自分に言い聞かせました。

30 One fine day, when the monkey was sitting at home, he was surprised by the appearance of a messenger from the young crab. While he was wondering what this might mean, the messenger bowed before him and said:

30 ある晴れた日、サルが家に座っていると、子ガニの使者が現れて驚いた。これは何を意味するのだろうと彼が考えていると、使者は彼の前で頭を下げて言った:

31 “I have been sent by my master to inform you that his father died the other day in falling from a persimmon tree while trying to climb the tree after fruit. This, being the seventh day, is the first anniversary after his death, and my master has prepared a little festival in his father’s honor, and bids you come to participate in it as you were one of his best friends. My master hopes you will honor his house with your kind visit.”

31 「先日、柿の木に実をつけた後、木によじ登ろうとしたところ、彼の父がその木から落ちて亡くなったことを知らせるために、私は主人から遣わされました。今日は七日目で、彼の死後一周忌であり、私の主人は彼の父に敬意を表して小さなお祭りを準備しました。私の主人は、あなたの親切な訪問で彼の家を尊重してくれることを望んでいます。」

32 When the monkey heard these words he rejoiced in his inmost heart, for all his fears of being suspected were now at rest. He could not guess that a plot had just been set in motion against him. He pretended to be very surprised at the news of the crab’s death, and said:

32 サルはこれらの言葉を聞いたとき、心の奥底で喜びました。彼は自分に対して陰謀が企てられたばかりだとは想像できなかった。彼はカニの死の知らせに非常に驚いたふりをして言った:

33 “I am, indeed, very sorry to hear of your chief’s death. We were great friends as you know. I remember that we once exchanged a rice-dumpling for a persimmon-seed. It grieves me much to think that that seed was in the end the cause of his death. I accept your kind invitation with many thanks. I shall be delighted to do honor to my poor old friend!” And he screwed some false tears from his eyes.

33 「あなたの首長の訃報を聞いて、本当に残念です。あなたが知っているように、私たちは素晴らしい友達でした。団子と柿の種を交換したことを覚えています。その種が結局彼の死の原因だったと思うと、私はとても悲しくなります。ご招待を心よりお受けいたします。哀れな旧友に敬意を表したいと思います!」そして、彼は目からいくつかの偽の涙をねじ込みました.

34 The messenger laughed inwardly and thought, “The wicked monkey is now dropping false tears, but within a short time he shall shed real ones.” But aloud he thanked the monkey politely and went home.

34 使者は内心笑って、「邪悪な猿は今偽りの涙を流していますが、すぐに本物の涙を流すでしょう」と考えました。しかし、彼は声に出してサルに礼儀正しく感謝し、家に帰りました。

35 When he had gone, the wicked monkey laughed aloud at what he thought was the young crab’s innocence, and without the least feeling began to look forward to the feast to be held that day in honor of the dead crab, to which he had been invited. He changed his dress and set out solemnly to visit the young crab.

35 彼が去ったとき、邪悪なサルは大声で笑い、若いカニの無実だと思った.招待した。彼はドレスを着替え、厳粛に若いカニを訪ねるために出発しました。

36 He found all the members of the crab’s family and his relatives waiting to receive and welcome him. As soon as the bows of meeting were over they led him to a hall. Here the young chief mourner came to receive him. Expressions of condolence and thanks were exchanged between them, and then they all sat down to a luxurious feast and entertained the monkey as the guest of honor.

36 彼は、カニの家族全員と彼の親戚が彼を迎えて歓迎するのを待っているのを見つけました。会議の礼が終わるやいなや、彼らは彼を広間に連れて行った。ここで、若い会葬者が彼を迎えに来ました。お悔やみと感謝の言葉が交わされた後、全員で豪華なごちそうに腰を下ろし、主賓として猿をもてなしました。

37 The feast over, he was next invited to the tea-ceremony room to drink a cup of tea. When the young crab had conducted the monkey to the tearoom he left him and retired. Time passed and still he did not return. At last the monkey became impatient. He said to himself:

37 饗宴が終わると、彼は次にお茶を飲むために茶室に招かれました。子ガニが猿を茶室に案内したとき、彼は猿を置いて立ち去りました。時が経ち、それでも彼は戻ってこなかった。とうとう猿は焦りました。彼は自分自身に言いました:

38 “This tea ceremony is always a very slow affair. I am tired of waiting so long. I am very thirsty after drinking so much sake at the dinner!”

38 「この茶道はいつもとてもゆっくりとしたものです。私はそんなに長く待つのにうんざりしています.夕食でお酒を飲みすぎて喉が渇いた!」

39 He then approached the charcoal fire-place and began to pour out some hot water from the kettle boiling there, when something burst out from the ashes with a great pop and hit the monkey right in the neck. It was the chestnut, one of the crab’s friends, who had hidden himself in the fireplace. The monkey, taken by surprise, jumped backward, and then started to run out of the room.

39 それから彼は炭火のそばに近づき、そこで沸騰しているやかんから熱湯を注ぎ始めました。暖炉に身を隠していたのは、カニの仲間の一人である栗でした。猿は驚いて後ろに飛び上がり、部屋から飛び出しました。

40 The bee, who was hiding outside the screens, now flew out and stung him on the cheek. The monkey was in great pain, his neck was burned by the chestnut and his face badly stung by the bee, but he ran on screaming and chattering with rage.

40 スクリーンの外に隠れていたミツバチが飛び出して、彼の頬を刺しました。猿はひどく苦しんでいて、首はクリで火傷し、顔はハチでひどく刺されていましたが、怒り狂って叫び、おしゃべりをしながら走り続けました。