
61 The poor monkey was horrified when he learnt all this, and very angry at the trick played upon him. He trembled with fear at the thought of what was in store for him.
61 可哀想なサルは、このすべてを知ってぞっとしました。何が待ち受けているかを考えると、彼は恐怖に震えた。
62 But the monkey was a clever animal, and he thought it the wisest plan not to show any sign of the fear he felt, so he tried to calm himself and to think of some way by which he might escape.
62 しかし、サルは賢い動物で、自分が感じた恐怖の兆候を見せないようにするのが最も賢明な計画だと思ったので、落ち着いて逃げる方法を考えようとしました。
63 “The doctor means to cut me open and then take my liver out! Why I shall die!” thought the monkey. At last a bright thought struck him, so he said quite cheerfully to the jelly fish:
63 「医者は私を切り開いて肝臓を取り出すつもりです!どうせ死ぬ!」サルは思いました。とうとう明るい考えが彼を襲ったので、彼はとても元気にクラゲに言いました:
64 “What a pity it was, Mr. Jelly Fish, that you did not speak of this before we left the island!”
64 「ジェリーフィッシュさん、私たちが島を出る前にこのことを話さなかったのは残念でした!」
65 “If I had told why I wanted you to accompany me you would certainly have refused to come,” answered the jelly fish.
65 「一緒に来てほしい理由を私が話していたら、きっとあなたは来るのを拒んだでしょう」とくらげは答えました。
66 “You are quite mistaken,” said the monkey. “Monkeys can very well spare a liver or two, especially when it is wanted for the Dragon Queen of the Sea. If I had only guessed of what you were in need. I should have presented you with one without waiting to be asked. I have several livers. But the greatest pity is, that as you did not speak in time, I have left all my livers hanging on the pine-tree.”
66 「あなたはかなり間違っています」とサルは言いました。 「サルは、特に海の竜の女王のために必要な場合、肝臓を1つか2つ惜しむことができます.私があなたが何を必要としているのかを推測しただけだったら。聞かれるのを待たずに提示するべきでした。私はいくつかの肝臓を持っています。でも一番残念なのは、あなたが間に合わなかったので、私の肝臓をすべて松の木にぶら下げてしまったことです。」
67 “Have you left your liver behind you?” asked the jelly fish.
68 “Yes,” said the cunning monkey, “during the daytime I usually leave my liver hanging up on the branch of a tree, as it is very much in the way when I am climbing about from tree to tree. To-day, listening to your interesting conversation, I quite forgot it, and left it behind when I came off with you. If only you had spoken in time I should have remembered it, and should have brought it along with me!”
68 「そうです」と狡猾な猿は言いました。今日、あなたの興味深い会話を聞いていたのですが、すっかり忘れていて、あなたと別れたときに置き去りにしました。あなたが間に合うように話してくれていれば、私はそれを覚えていて、私と一緒に持ってきたはずです!
69 The jelly fish was very disappointed when he heard this, for he believed every word the monkey said. The monkey was of no good without a liver. Finally the jelly fish stopped and told the monkey so.
69 クラゲはこれを聞いてがっかりしました。サルの言うことをすべて信じていたからです。サルは肝臓がなければ役に立たなかった。ついにクラゲは立ち止まり、猿にそう言いました。
70 “Well,” said the monkey, “that is soon remedied. I am really sorry to think of all your trouble; but if you will only take me back to the place where you found me, I shall soon be able to get my liver.”
70 「まあ」とサルは言いました。ご迷惑をおかけして本当に申し訳ありません。でも、あなたが私を見つけた場所に連れ戻してくれれば、すぐに肝臓を手に入れることができるでしょう。」
71 The jelly fish did not at all like the idea of going all the way back to the island again; but the monkey assured him that if he would be so kind as to take him back he would get his very best liver, and bring it with him the next time. Thus persuaded, the jelly fish turned his course towards the Monkey Island once more.
71 クラゲははるばる島に戻るという考えをまったく好まなかった。でも猿は、もし親切にも彼を連れ戻してくれるなら、最高の肝臓を手に入れて、次の機会に持っていく、と約束しました。そう説得されたクラゲは、再び猿島へと進路を変えた。
72 No sooner had the jelly fish reached the shore than the sly monkey landed, and getting up into the pine-tree where the jelly fish had first seen him, he cut several capers amongst the branches with joy at being safe home again, and then looking down at the jelly fish said:
72 クラゲが岸に着くやいなや、ずるいサルは上陸し、クラゲが最初に彼を見た松の木に登り、無事に家に帰ったことを喜びながら、枝の間でケッパーを数本切りました。クラゲを見下ろして言った:
73 “So many thanks for all the trouble you have taken! Please present my compliments to the Dragon King on your return!”
73 「ご苦労様でした!お帰りの際は竜王様によろしくお伝えください!」
74 The jelly fish wondered at this speech and the mocking tone in which it was uttered. Then he asked the monkey if it wasn’t his intention to come with him at once after getting his liver.
74 クラゲは、このスピーチと、それが発せられたあざけりのトーンに不思議に思いました。それから彼はサルに、肝臓を手に入れたらすぐに一緒に来るつもりはないのかと尋ねました。
75 The monkey replied laughingly that he couldn’t afford to lose his liver: it was too precious.
75 猿は笑いながら、肝臓を失うわけにはいかないと答えた。
76 “But remember your promise!” pleaded the jelly fish, now very discouraged.
77 “That promise was false, and anyhow it is now broken!” answered the monkey. Then he began to jeer at the jelly fish and told him that he had been deceiving him the whole time; that he had no wish to lose his life, which he certainly would have done had he gone on to the Sea King’s Palace to the old doctor waiting for him, instead of persuading the jelly fish to return under false pretenses.
78 “Of course, I won’t GIVE you my liver, but come and get it if you can!” added the monkey mockingly from the tree.
78 「もちろん、私の肝臓はあげませんが、できれば取りに来てください!」サルは木からあざけるように付け加えました。
79 There was nothing for the jelly fish to do now but to repent of his stupidity, and to return to the Dragon King of the Sea and to confess his failure, so he started sadly and slowly to swim back. The last thing he heard as he glided away, leaving the island behind him, was the monkey laughing at him.
79 くらげは今、自分の愚かさを悔い改め、海の竜王のもとに戻って失敗を告白するしかなかったので、悲しそうにゆっくりと泳ぎ始めました。彼が島を後にして滑空するときに彼が最後に聞いたのは、彼を笑っているサルでした。
80 Meanwhile the Dragon King, the doctor, the chief steward, and all the servants were waiting impatiently for the return of the jelly fish. When they caught sight of him approaching the Palace, they hailed him with delight. They began to thank him profusely for all the trouble he had taken in going to Monkey Island, and then they asked him where the monkey was.
80 その間、竜王、医者、執政官、召使全員がクラゲの帰りを待ちわびていた。彼らは彼が宮殿に近づいているのを見つけたとき、喜んで彼を歓迎した.彼らは、モンキーアイランドに行くのに苦労したことに対して、彼に深く感謝し始め、それから、サルはどこにいるのか尋ねました。