
61 While the waves dashed over the ship and the wind whirled round them in fury she stood up and said:
61 波が船に押し寄せ、風が激しく渦巻く中、彼女は立ち上がって言った。
62 “Surely all this has come because the Prince has angered Rin Jin, the God of the Sea, by his jesting. If so, I, Ototachibana, will appease the wrath of the Sea God who desires nothing less than my husband’s life!”
62 王子が冗談で海の神リンジンを怒らせたからこそ、すべてのことが起こったに違いありません。ならば私、乙橘は夫の命を欲しがる海神の怒りを鎮めます!」
63 Then addressing the sea she said:
63 それから彼女は海に向かって言った:
64 “I will take the place of His Augustness, Yamato Take. I will now cast myself into your outraged depths, giving my life for his. Therefore hear me and bring him safely to the shore of Kadzusa.”
64 「大和竹の尊さは私が代わります。私は今、あなたの憤慨した深みに身を投じ、彼のために私の人生を捧げます.ですから、私の言うことを聞いて、無事にカズサの岸まで連れて行ってください。」
65 With these words she leaped quickly into the boisterous sea, and the waves soon whirled her away and she was lost to sight. Strange to say, the storm ceased at once, and the sea became as calm and smooth as the matting on which the astonished onlookers were sitting. The gods of the sea were now appeased, and the weather cleared and the sun shone as on a summer’s day.
65 これらの言葉で、彼女は荒れ狂う海に素早く飛び込み、波が彼女を遠ざけ、彼女は見えなくなった。奇妙なことに、嵐はすぐにやみ、海は驚いた見物人が座っているマットのように穏やかで滑らかになりました。海の神々は今やなだめられ、天気は晴れ、夏の日のように太陽が輝いた。
66 Yamato Take soon reached the opposite shore and landed safely, even as his wife Ototachibana had prayed. His prowess in war was marvelous, and he succeeded after some time in conquering the Eastern Barbarians, the Ainu.
66 大和武はすぐに対岸に到着し、妻の乙橘が祈ったように無事に上陸した。彼の武勇はすばらしく、しばらくして東方の野蛮人であるアイヌを征服することに成功した。
67 He ascribed his safe landing wholly to the faithfulness of his wife, who had so willingly and lovingly sacrificed herself in the hour of his utmost peril. His heart was softened at the remembrance of her, and he never allowed her to pass from his thoughts even for a moment. Too late had he learned to esteem the goodness of her heart and the greatness of her love for him.
67 彼は無事に上陸できたのは完全に妻の誠実さのおかげだと考えていた.彼の心は彼女の思い出に和らぎ、一瞬たりとも彼女のことを考えずにはいられなかった。彼女の心の良さと彼への彼女の愛の大きさを尊重することを彼が学んだのは遅すぎた.
68 As he was returning on his homeward way he came to the high pass of the Usui Toge, and here he stood and gazed at the wonderful prospect beneath him. The country, from this great elevation, all lay open to his sight, a vast panorama of mountain and plain and forest, with rivers winding like silver ribbons through the land; then far off he saw the distant sea, which shimmered like a luminous mist in the great distance, where Ototachibana had given her life for him, and as he turned towards it he stretched out his arms, and thinking of her love which he had scorned and his faithlessness to her, his heart burst out into a sorrowful and bitter cry:
68 帰り道、彼は碓氷峠の高い峠に来て、ここに立って眼下の素晴らしい展望を見つめた。山と平野と森の広大なパノラマと、大地を銀色のリボンのように曲がりくねる川が、この大地のすべてを彼の視界に開けていた。それから遠く離れた海が見えました。その海は遠くに輝く霧のようにきらめき、音立花が彼のために彼女の命を与えた場所でした。彼は海の方を向いて腕を伸ばし、彼が軽蔑した彼女の愛について考えました。そして彼女への彼の不誠実さのために、彼の心は悲しくて苦い叫び声を上げました:
69 “Azuma, Azuma, Ya!” (Oh! my wife, my wife!) And to this day there is a district in Tokio called Azuma, which commemorates the words of Prince Yamato Take, and the place where his faithful wife leapt into the sea to save him is still pointed out. So, though in life the Princess Ototachibana was unhappy, history keeps her memory green, and the story of her unselfishness and heroic death will never pass away.
69「アズマ、アズマ、ヤッ!」 (ああ!私の妻、私の妻!)そして今でもトキオには大和武王子の言葉を記念する東と呼ばれる地区があり、彼の忠実な妻が彼を救うために海に飛び込んだ場所が今でも指摘されています。 .ですから、乙橘姫は人生において不幸でしたが、歴史は彼女の記憶を青く保ち、彼女の無私の心と英雄的な死の物語は決して過ぎ去ることはありません.
70 Yamato Take had now fulfilled all his father’s orders, he had subdued all rebels, and rid the land of all robbers and enemies to the peace, and his renown was great, for in the whole land there was no one who could stand up against him, he was so strong in battle and wise in council.
70 ヤマトタケは父の命令をすべて遂行し、すべての反逆者を鎮圧し、すべての強盗と敵を国から平和へと追いやった。そして彼の名声は大きかった。彼、彼は戦いでとても強く、評議会で賢明でした。
71 He was about to return straight for home by the way he had come, when the thought struck him that he would find it more interesting to take another route, so he passed through the province of Owari and came to the province of Omi.
71 来た道をまっすぐ帰ろうとしたところ、別の道を行く方が面白そうだと思い、尾張国を経て近江国に入った。
72 When the Prince reached Omi he found the people in a state of great excitement and fear. In many houses as he passed along he saw the signs of mourning and heard loud lamentations. On inquiring the cause of this he was told that a terrible monster had appeared in the mountains, who daily came down from thence and made raids on the villages, devouring whoever he could seize. Many homes had been made desolate and the men were afraid to go out to their daily work in the fields, or the women to go to the rivers to wash their rice.
72 皇太子が近江に到着したとき、人々は非常に興奮し、恐怖に陥っていた。彼が通り過ぎる多くの家で、彼は喪の兆候を見て、大きな嘆きを聞いた。この原因を尋ねたところ、彼は恐ろしい怪物が山に現れ、毎日そこから降りてきて村を襲撃し、彼が捕まえることができた人をむさぼり食うと言われました。多くの家が荒廃し、男性は毎日の畑仕事に出かけることを恐れ、女性は川に米を洗いに行くことを恐れていました。
73 When Yamato Take heard this his wrath was kindled, and he said fiercely:
73 ヤマトタケはこれを聞いて怒りを燃やし、激しく言った。
74 “From the western end of Kiushiu to the eastern corner of Yezo I have subdued all the King’s enemies—there is no one who dares to break the laws or to rebel against the King. It is indeed a matter for wonder that here in this place, so near the capital, a wicked monster has dared to take up his abode and be the terror of the King’s subjects. Not long shall it find pleasure in devouring innocent folk. I will start out and kill it at once.”
74 「キウシウの西端から蝦夷地の東の隅まで、王の敵をことごとく討伐しました。法を破ったり、王に逆らったりする者はいません。ここ首都に近いこの場所で、意地悪な怪物があえてその住居を占拠し、王の臣民を恐怖に陥れたことは、実に驚くべきことです。罪のない人々をむさぼり食うことに喜びを見いだす日はそう遠くないでしょう。出撃して一気に倒す」
75 With these words he set out for the Ibuki Mountain, where the monster was said to live. He climbed up a good distance, when all of a sudden, at a winding in the path, a monster serpent appeared before him and stopped the way.
75 彼はこう言いながら、怪物が住むといわれる伊吹山へと旅立った。彼がかなりの距離を登ったとき、突然、道の曲がりくねったところで、巨大な蛇が彼の前に現れ、道を止めました。
76 “This must be the monster,” said the Prince; “I do not need my sword for a serpent. I can kill him with my hands.”
76 「これは怪物にちがいない」と王子は言いました。 「蛇に剣はいらない。この手で殺せる。」
77 He thereupon sprang upon the serpent and tried to strangle it to death with his bare arms. It was not long before his prodigious strength gained the mastery and the serpent lay dead at his feet. Now a sudden darkness came over the mountain and rain began to fall, so that for the gloom and the rain the Prince could hardly see which way to take. In a short time, however, while he was groping his way down the pass, the weather cleared, and our brave hero was able to make his way quickly down the mountain.
77 すると彼は蛇に飛び乗り、素手で蛇を絞め殺そうとした。彼の並外れた力が支配権を獲得し、蛇が彼の足元で死んでしまうまで、そう長くはかかりませんでした。突然、山が暗くなり、雨が降り始めたので、暗闇と雨のため、王子はどちらの道を進むべきかほとんどわかりませんでした。しかし、彼が手探りで峠を下っていたとき、すぐに天候が回復し、私たちの勇敢な英雄は山を素早く下ることができました。
78 When he got back he began to feel ill and to have burning pains in his feet, so he knew that the serpent had poisoned him. So great was his suffering that he could hardly move, much less walk, so he had himself carried to a place in the mountains famous for its hot mineral springs, which rose bubbling out of the earth, and almost boiling from the volcanic fires beneath.
78 彼が戻ったとき、彼は気分が悪くなり、足に焼けるような痛みを感じ始めた。彼の苦痛は非常に大きかったので、ほとんど動くことはできず、歩くこともできなかったので、彼は自分自身を、地球から泡立ち、その下の火山の火からほとんど沸騰している温泉で有名な山の場所に運びました.
79 Yamato Take bathed daily in these waters, and gradually he felt his strength come again, and the pains left him, till at last one day he found with great joy that he was quite recovered. He now hastened to the temples of Ise, where you will remember that he prayed before undertaking this long expedition. His aunt, priestess of the shrine, who had blessed him on his setting out, now came to welcome him back. He told her of the many dangers he had encountered and of how marvelously his life had been preserved through all—and she praised his courage and his warrior’s prowess, and then putting on her most magnificent robes she returned thanks to their ancestress the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, to whose protection they both ascribed the Prince’s wonderful preservation.
79 ヤマトタケは毎日これらの水を浴びていましたが、次第に力が戻ってくるのを感じ、痛みがなくなりました.彼は今、伊勢の寺院に急いで行きました。そこで、この長い遠征に着手する前に彼が祈ったことを覚えているでしょう。出発の際に祝福してくれた叔母である神社の巫女が、今度は彼を迎えに来ました。彼は彼女に、彼が遭遇した多くの危険と、彼の命がどのように救われたかを話しました. 、彼らの保護は、王子の素晴らしい保存に帰した.
80 Here ends the story of Prince Yamato Take of Japan.
80 日本の大和武王子の物語はここで終わります。