1 ヤマトタケル
2 The insignia of the great Japanese Empire is composed of three treasures which have been considered sacred, and guarded with jealous care from time immemorial. These are the Yatano-no-Kagami or the Mirror of Yata, the Yasakami-no-Magatama or the Jewel of Yasakami, and the Murakumo-no-Tsurugi or the Sword of Murakumo.
2 大日本帝国の記章は、太古の昔から神聖視され、厳重に守られてきた 3 つの宝物から構成されています。八咫鏡(やたののかがみ)、八坂神の勾玉(やさかみのまがたま)、村雲剣(むらくものつるぎ)です。
3 Of these three treasures of the Empire, the sword of Murakumo, afterwards known as Kusanagi-no-Tsrugugi, or the grass-cleaving sword, is considered the most precious and most highly to be honored, for it is the symbol of strength to this nation of warriors and the talisman of invincibility for the Emperor, while he holds it sacred in the shrine of his ancestors.
3 帝国のこれら 3 つの宝物の中で、後に草薙の剣、または草を裂く剣として知られる村雲の剣は、最も貴重であり、最も高く評価されるべきと考えられています。この戦士の国と皇帝の無敵のお守りであり、彼は祖先の神社でそれを神聖にしています。
4 Nearly two thousand years ago this sword was kept at the shrines of Ite, the temples dedicated to the worship of Amaterasu, the great and beautiful Sun Goddess from whom the Japanese Emperors are said to be descended.
4 ほぼ 2000 年前、この剣は、日本の天皇の子孫であると言われている偉大で美しい太陽の女神である天照大神の崇拝に捧げられた寺院であるイテの神社に保管されていました。
5 There is a story of knightly adventure and daring which explains why the name of the sword was changed from that of Murakumo to Kasanagi, which means grass clearing.
5 剣の名前がムラクモから草刈りを意味するカサナギに変更された理由を説明する騎士の冒険と大胆な物語があります.
6 Once, many, many years ago, there was born a son to the Emperor Keiko, the twelfth in descent from the great Jimmu, the founder of the Japanese dynasty. This Prince was the second son of the Emperor Keiko, and he was named Yamato. From his childhood he proved himself to be of remarkable strength, wisdom and courage, and his father noticed with pride that he gave promise of great things, and he loved him even more than he did his elder son.
6 かつて、何年も前に、日本の王朝の創始者である偉大な神武の子孫である景行天皇に息子が生まれました。この皇子は景行天皇の次男で、大和と名乗った。子供の頃から、彼は驚くべき強さ、知恵、勇気を持っていることを証明しました。父親は、彼が偉大なことを約束していることに誇りを持って気づき、長男よりも彼を愛していました。
7 Now when Prince Yamato had grown to manhood (in the olden days of Japanese history, a boy was considered to have reached man’s estate at the early age of sixteen) the realm was much troubled by a band of outlaws whose chiefs were two brothers, Kumaso and Takeru. These rebels seemed to delight in rebelling against the King, in breaking the laws and defying all authority.
7 さて、大和王子が大人になったとき (日本の歴史の昔、少年は 16 歳で男の領地に達したと考えられていた)、王国は 2 人の兄弟を首長とする無法者の一団によって大いに悩まされた。クマソとタケル。これらの反逆者たちは、国王に反抗し、法律を破り、あらゆる権威に逆らうことを喜んでいるように見えました。
8 At last King Keiko ordered his younger son Prince Yamato to subdue the brigands and, if possible, to rid the land of their evil lives. Prince Yamato was only sixteen years of age, he had but reached his manhood according to the law, yet though he was such a youth in years he possessed the dauntless spirit of a warrior of fuller age and knew not what fear was. Even then there was no man who could rival him for courage and bold deeds, and he received his father’s command with great joy.
8 ついに景子王は次男の大和王子に山賊を鎮圧し、可能であれば彼らの邪悪な生活を国から取り除くよう命じた.大和皇子はまだ十六歳で、律法による成人期を迎えたばかりだった。それでも、勇気と大胆な行動で彼に匹敵する人はいなかったので、彼は大喜びで父親の命令を受けました。
9 He at once made ready to start, and great was the stir in the precincts of the Palace as he and his trusty followers gathered together and prepared for the expedition, and polished up their armor and donned it. Before he left his father’s Court he went to pray at the shrine of Ise and to take leave of his aunt the Princess Yamato, for his heart was somewhat heavy at the thought of the dangers he had to face, and he felt that he needed the protection of his ancestress, Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess. The Princess his aunt came out to give him glad welcome, and congratulated him on being trusted with so great a mission by his father the King. She then gave him one of her gorgeous robes as a keepsake to go with him and to bring him good luck, saying that it would surely be of service to him on this adventure. She then wished him all success in his undertaking and bade him good speed.
9 彼はすぐに出発の準備を整え、彼と彼の信頼できる追随者が集まって遠征の準備をし、鎧を磨き上げて身に着けたとき、宮殿の境内は大騒ぎになった。彼は父の宮廷を出る前に、伊勢神宮に祈りに行き、叔母のヤマト姫に別れを告げた。祖先である太陽神アマテラスの加護。彼の叔母である王女は彼を歓迎するために出てきて、彼の父である国王から非常に大きな使命を託されたことを祝福しました.それから彼女は、彼と一緒に行く記念品として彼に豪華なローブの1つを与え、彼に幸運をもたらすと言って、それはきっとこの冒険で彼に役立つだろうと言った.それから彼女は彼の事業が成功することを願い、彼にスピードを出すように言いました。
10 The young Prince bowed low before his aunt, and received her gracious gift with much pleasure and many respectful bows.
10 若い王子は叔母の前で低くお辞儀をし、彼女の優雅な贈り物を喜んで受け取り、敬意を表して何度もお辞儀をしました。
11 “I will now set out,” said the Prince, and returning to the Palace he put himself at the head of his troops. Thus cheered by his aunt’s blessing, he felt ready for all that might befall, and marching through the land he went down to the Southern Island of Kiushiu, the home of the brigands.
11 「さあ出発だ」と王子は言い、宮殿に戻って軍隊の先頭に立った。このように叔母の祝福に元気づけられた彼は、降りかかるすべてのことへの準備ができていると感じ、土地を行進して、山賊の本拠地である南の島、キウシウに降りました。
12 Before many days had passed he reached the Southern Island, and then slowly but surely made his way to the head-quarters of the chiefs Kumaso and Takeru. He now met with great difficulties, for he found the country exceedingly wild and rough. The mountains were high and steep, the valleys dark and deep, and huge trees and bowlders of rock blocked up the road and stopped the progress of his army. It was all but impossible to go on.
12 何日も経たないうちに彼は南の島に到着し、ゆっくりと、しかし確実にクマソとタケルの首長の本拠地に向かった.彼はその国が非常に荒々しく荒れていることに気づいたので、今では大きな困難に直面しました。山は高く険しく、谷は暗く深く、巨大な木々と岩の塊が道をふさいで、彼の軍隊の前進を止めました。続けることはほとんど不可能でした。
13 Though the Prince was but a youth he had the wisdom of years, and, seeing that it was vain to try and lead his men further, he said to himself:
13 王子はまだ若かったが、何年にもわたる知恵を持っていた。
14 “To attempt to fight a battle in this impassable country unknown to my men only makes my task harder. We cannot clear the roads and fight as well. It is wiser for me to resort to stratagem and come upon my enemies unawares. In that way I may be able to kill them without much exertion.”
14 「部下の知らないこの通行不能な国で戦いを挑むことは、私の仕事を難しくするだけです。道路を空けて戦うこともできません。策略に訴え、不意に敵に出くわす方が賢明です。そうすれば、苦労せずに殺せるかもしれない」
15 So he now bade his army halt by the way. His wife, the Princess Ototachibana, had accompanied him, and he bade her bring him the robe his aunt the priestess of Ise had given him, and to help him attire himself as a woman. With her help he put on the robe, and let his hair down till it flowed over his shoulders. Ototachibana then brought him her comb, which he put in his black tresses, and then adorned himself with strings of strange jewels just as you see in the picture. When he had finished his unusual toilet, Ototachibana brought him her mirror. He smiled as he gazed at himself—the disguise was so perfect.
15 そこで彼は、途中で軍隊を止めるよう命じた。彼の妻である乙橘姫が彼に同行していたので、彼は彼女に、伊勢の巫女が彼に与えた叔母のローブを彼に持ってきて、彼が女性として身に着けるのを手伝うように命じました.彼女の助けを借りて、彼はローブを着て、肩にかかるまで髪を下ろした.乙橘はそれから彼に櫛を持ってきて、彼はそれを彼の黒い房に入れ、写真に見られるように奇妙な宝石の紐で身を飾りました.いつもと違うトイレを済ませると、乙橘は鏡を持ってきた。彼は自分自身を見つめながら微笑んだ――変装は完璧だった。
16 He hardly knew himself, so changed was he. All traces of the warrior had disappeared, and in the shining surface only a beautiful lady looked back at him.
16 彼は自分自身をほとんど知らなかったので、彼は変わった.戦士の痕跡はすべて消え、輝く表面で美しい女性だけが彼を振り返った。
17 Thus completely disguised, he set out for the enemy’s camp alone. In the folds of his silk gown, next his strong heart, was hidden a sharp dagger.
17 このように完全に変装して、彼は単身敵の陣営に向かった。シルクのガウンのひだには、強い心臓の隣に鋭い短剣が隠されていました。
18 The two chiefs Kumaso and Takeru wore sitting in their tent, resting in the cool of the evening, when the Prince approached. They were talking of the news which had recently been carried to them, that the King’s son had entered their country with a large army determined to exterminate their band. They had both heard of the young warrior’s renown, and for the first time in their wicked lives they felt afraid. In a pause in their talk they happened to look up, and saw through the door of the tent a beautiful woman robed in sumptuous garments coming towards them. Like an apparition of loveliness she appeared in the soft twilight. Little did they dream that it was their enemy whose coming they so dreaded who now stood before them in this disguise.
18 クマソとタケルの 2 人の酋長は、王子が近づいたとき、夜の涼しさの中でテントに座って休んでいました。彼らは、王様の息子が彼らのバンドを根絶することを決意した大軍と共に彼らの国に入ったという最近彼らに伝えられたニュースについて話していました。二人とも若い戦士の名声を聞いていたので、邪悪な人生で初めて恐怖を感じました。話をしているときにたまたま顔を上げると、テントのドア越しに豪華な衣装をまとった美しい女性がこちらに向かってくるのが見えました。柔らかな薄明かりの中に現れた愛らしさの幻影のように。彼らの前に現れたのが、彼らの来ることをとても恐れていた敵であるとは夢にも思わなかった。
19 “What a beautiful woman! Where has she come from?” said the astonished Kumaso, forgetting war and council and everything as he looked at the gentle intruder.
19 「なんて美しい女性でしょう!彼女はどこから来たの?」優しい侵入者を見つめながら、戦争や評議会などすべてを忘れて驚いたクマソは言った。
20 He beckoned to the disguised Prince and bade him sit down and serve them with wine. Yamato Take felt his heart swell with a fierce glee for he now knew that his plan would succeed. However, he dissembled cleverly, and putting on a sweet air of shyness he approached the rebel chief with slow steps and eyes glancing like a frightened deer. Charmed to distraction by the girl’s loveliness Kumaso drank cup after cup of wine for the pleasure of seeing her pour it out for him, till at last he was quite overcome with the quantity he had drunk.
20 彼は変装した王子に手招きし、座って彼らにワインを提供するように命じた。ヤマトタケは、彼の計画が成功することを知ったので、激しい歓喜で胸が高鳴るのを感じました.しかし、彼は巧みに偽装し、恥ずかしがり屋の甘い雰囲気を醸し出し、ゆっくりとした歩みと怯えた鹿のような目で反乱軍の首長に近づきました.クマソは娘の愛らしさに魅了され、彼女が注いでくれるのを見るのが楽しみで何杯もワインを飲み、ついには飲んだ量に完全に打ちのめされました。