
41 He said: �gThanks to my good little sparrow! Thanks to my good little sparrow!�h many times.
41 彼は言った:「私の素敵な小さなスズメに感謝します!」私の素敵なスズメのおかげで!何度も。
42 But the old woman, after the first moments of surprise and satisfaction at the sight of the gold and silver were over, could not suppress the greed of her wicked nature. She now began to reproach the old man for not having brought home the big box of presents, for in the innocence of his heart he had told her how he had refused the large box of presents which the sparrows had offered him, preferring the smaller one because it was light and easy to carry home.
42 しかし、金と銀を見て驚きと満足の最初の瞬間が終わった後、老婆は自分の邪悪な性質の欲を抑えることができなかった。彼女は今、プレゼントの入った大きな箱を家に持ち帰らなかったことで老人を非難し始めた.なぜなら彼は心の無邪気さの中で、スズメが彼に提供したプレゼントの大きな箱をどのように拒否したかを彼女に話し、小さなものを好んだ.軽くて持ち帰りやすかったからです。
43 �gYou silly old man,�h said she, �gWhy did you not bring the large box? Just think what we have lost. We might have had twice as much silver and gold as this. You are certainly an old fool!�h she screamed, and then went to bed as angry as she could be.
43 「ばかなおじいさん」彼女は言った、「どうして大きな箱を持ってこなかったの?」私たちが失ったものを考えてみてください。これの2倍の銀と金を持っていたかもしれません。あなたは確かに年老いたばかです!」と彼女は叫び、それから彼女ができる限り怒ったように寝ました。
44 The old man now wished that he had said nothing about the big box, but it was too late; the greedy old woman, not contented with the good luck which had so unexpectedly befallen them and which she so little deserved, made up her mind, if possible, to get more.
44 老人は大きな箱のことを何も言わなければよかったのにと思いましたが、時すでに遅しでした。欲張りなおばあさんは、思いがけなく彼らに降りかかった幸運に満足せず、できればもっと多くのものを手に入れようと決心しました。
45 Early the next morning she got up and made the old man describe the way to the sparrow�fs house. When he saw what was in her mind he tried to keep her from going, but it was useless. She would not listen to one word he said. It is strange that the old woman did not feel ashamed of going to see the sparrow after the cruel way she had treated her in cutting off her tongue in a fit of rage. But her greed to get the big box made her forget everything else. It did not even enter her thoughts that the sparrows might be angry with her?as, indeed, they were?and might punish her for what she had done.
45 翌朝早く起きて、おじいさんにすずめの家への道を説明させました。彼は彼女の心の中にあるものを見たとき、彼女が行かないようにしようとしたが、それは役に立たなかった.彼女は彼が言った一言も聞き入れようとしなかった。不思議なことに、おばあさんは、怒り狂って舌を切り落とすという残酷な扱いを受けた後、すずめに会いに行くことを恥ずかしく思いませんでした。しかし、大きな箱を手に入れたいという彼女の欲求は、他のすべてを忘れさせました.スズメが彼女に腹を立てているかもしれないということは、彼女の考えにはありませんでした。実際、彼らはそうでした。
46 Ever since the Lady Sparrow had returned home in the sad plight in which they had first found her, weeping and bleeding from the mouth, her whole family and relations had done little else but speak of the cruelty of the old woman. �gHow could she,�h they asked each other, �ginflict such a heavy punishment for such a trifling offense as that of eating some rice-paste by mistake?�h They all loved the old man who was so kind and good and patient under all his troubles, but the old woman they hated, and they determined, if ever they had the chance, to punish her as she deserved. They had not long to wait.
46 レディ・スパロウが悲しい窮状の中で家に帰ってきて、泣きながら口から血を流している彼女を最初に見つけて以来、彼女の家族と親族は皆、老婆の残酷さについて話す以外にはほとんど何もしていませんでした。 「どうして彼女は」、「おにぎりを間違って食べてしまったというような些細な罪に対して、こんなに重い罰を与えることができたのでしょうか?」しかし、彼らが憎んでいたのは老婆であり、機会があれば、当然のことながら彼女を罰することにしました。彼らはすぐに待ちました。
47 After walking for some hours the old woman had at last found the bamboo grove which she had made her husband carefully describe, and now she stood before it crying out:
47 数時間歩いた後、おばあさんは、夫に注意深く説明させた竹林をついに見つけ、その前に立って叫びました。
48 �gWhere is the tongue-cut sparrow�fs house? Where is the tongue-cut sparrow�fs house?�h
48 「舌切りすずめの家はどこ?」舌切り雀の家はどこ?
49 At last she saw the eaves of the house peeping out from amongst the bamboo foliage. She hastened to the door and knocked loudly.
49 とうとう彼女は家の軒が笹の葉の間からのぞいているのを見た。彼女はドアに急いで行き、大声でノックしました。
50 When the servants told the Lady Sparrow that her old mistress was at the door asking to see her, she was somewhat surprised at the unexpected visit, after all that had taken place, and she wondered not a little at the boldness of the old woman in venturing to come to the house. The Lady Sparrow, however, was a polite bird, and so she went out to greet the old woman, remembering that she had once been her mistress.
51 The old woman intended, however, to waste no time in words, she went right to the point, without the least shame, and said:
51 しかし、老婆は言葉で時間を無駄にするつもりはなかったので、少しも恥じることなく、すぐに要点を言い、こう言った。
52 �gYou need not trouble to entertain me as you did my old man. I have come myself to get the box which he so stupidly left behind. I shall soon take my leave if you will give me the big box?that is all I want!�h
52 あなたが私の老人をしたように、私を楽しませるのに苦労する必要はありません。私は彼が愚かにも置き去りにした箱を取りに来ました。もしあなたが私に大きな箱をくれたら、私はすぐに私の休暇を取りますか?それが私が望むすべてです!
53 The Lady Sparrow at once consented, and told her servants to bring out the big box. The old woman eagerly seized it and hoisted it on her back, and without even stopping to thank the Lady Sparrow began to hurry homewards.
53 レディ・スパロウはすぐに同意し、家来たちに大きな箱を持ってくるように言いました。おばあさんは熱心にそれをつかみ、背中に担ぎ上げました。スパロウ夫人はお礼を言うのもやめずに、急いで家路に着きました。
54 The box was so heavy that she could not walk fast, much less run, as she would have liked to do, so anxious was she to get home and see what was inside the box, but she had often to sit down and rest herself by the way.
54 その箱はとても重かったので、彼女は早く歩くことも走ることもできませんでした。ところで。
55 While she was staggering along under the heavy load, her desire to open the box became too great to be resisted. She could wait no longer, for she supposed this big box to be full of gold and silver and precious jewels like the small one her husband had received.
55 重い荷物の下でよろめきながら歩いていると、箱を開けたいという気持ちが強くなりすぎて抵抗できなくなりました。この大きな箱には、夫が受け取った小さな宝石のような金と銀と貴重な宝石がいっぱい入っていると思っていたので、彼女はもう待つことができませんでした。
56 At last this greedy and selfish old woman put down the box by the wayside and opened it carefully, expecting to gloat her eyes on a mine of wealth. What she saw, however, so terrified her that she nearly lost her senses. As soon as she lifted the lid, a number of horrible and frightful looking demons bounced out of the box and surrounded her as if they intended to kill her. Not even in nightmares had she ever seen such horrible creatures as her much-coveted box contained. A demon with one huge eye right in the middle of its forehead came and glared at her, monsters with gaping mouths looked as if they would devour her, a huge snake coiled and hissed about her, and a big frog hopped and croaked towards her.
56 最後に、この貪欲でわがままな老女は、箱を道端に置き、注意深く開けて、富の鉱山に目を輝かせようとしました。しかし、彼女が見たものは彼女を恐怖に陥れ、彼女はほとんど感覚を失いました.彼女がふたを持ち上げるとすぐに、恐ろしく恐ろしい見た目の悪魔の数が箱から跳ね返り、まるで彼女を殺すつもりであるかのように彼女を取り囲みました.誰もが切望する彼女の箱に、これほど恐ろしい生き物が入っているのを見たのは、悪夢でさえなかった。額の真ん中に巨大な目が 1 つある悪魔がやってきて彼女を睨みつけ、口が大きく開いた怪物はまるで彼女をむさぼり食うかのように見え、巨大なヘビがとぐろを巻いて彼女の周りでシューッという音を立て、大きなカエルが飛び跳ねて彼女に向かって鳴きました。
57 The old woman had never been so frightened in her life, and ran from the spot as fast as her quaking legs would carry her, glad to escape alive. When she reached home she fell to the floor and told her husband with tears all that had happened to her, and how she had been nearly killed by the demons in the box.
57 老婆は人生でこれほどおびえたことはなかったので、その場から震えている足が彼女を運ぶのと同じくらい速く走り、生きて逃げることができてうれしかった.彼女が家に着くと、彼女は床に倒れ、夫に涙を流しながら、彼女に起こったことすべてと、箱の中の悪魔に殺されそうになったことを話しました.
58 Then she began to blame the sparrow, but the old man stopped her at once, saying:
58 それから彼女はすずめを責め始めたが、老人はすぐに彼女を止めて言った:
59 �gDon�ft blame the sparrow, it is your wickedness which has at last met with its reward. I only hope this may be a lesson to you in the future!�h
59 「スズメのせいにするな。やっと報われたのはお前の邪悪さだ。これが将来のあなたへの教訓になることを願っています!
60 The old woman said nothing more, and from that day she repented of her cross, unkind ways, and by degrees became a good old woman, so that her husband hardly knew her to be the same person, and they spent their last days together happily, free from want or care, spending carefully the treasure the old man had received from his pet, the tongue-cut sparrow.
60 おばあさんはそれ以上何も言わず、その日から自分の十字架を不親切に悔い改め、次第に良いおばあさんになったので、夫は彼女が同じ人物であることをほとんど知らず、彼らは最後の日を一緒に過ごしました。老人がペットの舌を切ったスズメから受け取った宝物を大切に使い、欠乏や世話から解放されて幸せに過ごしました。