
61 “Daughter, what are you doing here? And what is that that you have hidden in your sleeve?”
61 「お嬢さん、ここで何をしているの?そして、あなたが袖に隠したものは何ですか?」
62 The girl was frightened by her father’s severity. Never had he spoken to her in such a tone. Her confusion changed to apprehension, her color from scarlet to white. She sat dumb and shamefaced, unable to reply.
62 少女は父親の厳しさに怯えた。彼がそのような口調で彼女に話しかけたことは一度もありませんでした。彼女の混乱は不安に変わり、彼女の色は緋色から白へと変わった。彼女は黙って恥ずかしそうに座って、答えることができませんでした。
63 Appearances were certainly against her; the young girl looked guilty, and the father thinking that perhaps after all what his wife had told him was true, spoke angrily:
63 外見は確かに彼女に反していた。少女は罪悪感を感じ、父親は妻の言ったことは本当だったのかもしれないと思い、怒って言った。
64 “Then, is it really true that you are daily cursing your step-mother and praying for her death? Have you forgotten what I told you, that although she is your step-mother you must be obedient and loyal to her? What evil spirit has taken possession of your heart that you should be so wicked? You have certainly changed, my daughter! What has made you so disobedient and unfaithful?”
64 「では、あなたは毎日継母をののしり、死を祈っているというのは本当ですか。彼女はあなたの継母ですが、あなたは彼女に従順で忠実でなければならないという、私が言ったことを忘れましたか?どんな悪霊があなたの心に取り憑いて、あなたがとても邪悪になったのですか?あなたは確かに変わりました、私の娘!何があなたをそんなに不従順で不誠実にしたのですか?」
65 And the father’s eyes filled with sudden tears to think that he should have to upbraid his daughter in this way.
65 そして父親の目は突然涙でいっぱいになり、娘をこのように非難しなければならないと考えた。
66 She on her part did not know what he meant, for she had never heard of the superstition that by praying over an image it is possible to cause the death of a hated person. But she saw that she must speak and clear herself somehow. She loved her father dearly, and could not bear the idea of his anger. She put out her hand on his knee deprecatingly:
66 彼女は彼が何を言おうとしているのかわからなかった.なぜなら彼女は、像の上で祈ることによって憎むべき人を死に至らしめることができるという迷信を聞いたことがなかったからである.しかし、彼女は何とか話して自分自身をクリアにしなければならないことに気づきました。彼女は父親を心から愛していたので、彼の怒りに耐えられなかった。彼女は非難するように彼の膝に手を差し伸べた:
67 “Father! father! do not say such dreadful things to me. I am still your obedient child. Indeed, I am. However stupid I may be, I should never be able to curse any one who belonged to you, much less pray for the death of one you love. Surely some one has been telling you lies, and you are dazed, and you know not what you say—or some evil spirit has taken possession of YOUR heart. As for me I do not know—no, not so much as a dew-drop, of the evil thing of which you accuse me.”
68 But the father remembered that she had hidden something away when he first entered the room, and even this earnest protest did not satisfy him. He wished to clear up his doubts once for all.
68 しかし、父親は、彼が最初に部屋に入ったとき、彼女が何かを隠していたことを思い出した。彼は自分の疑いを完全に晴らしたかった.
69 “Then why are you always alone in your room these days? And tell me what is that that you have hidden in your sleeve—show it to me at once.”
70 Then the daughter, though shy of confessing how she had cherished her mother’s memory, saw that she must tell her father all in order to clear herself. So she slipped the mirror out from her long sleeve and laid it before him.
70 それから娘は、自分が母親の記憶をどのように大切にしてきたかを告白することを恥ずかしがり屋でしたが、自分を晴らすために父親にすべてを話さなければならないことに気づきました。そこで彼女は鏡を長袖から滑り出させ、彼の前に置きました。
71 “This,” she said, “is what you saw me looking at just now.”
71 「これ」と彼女は言いました。
72 “Why,” he said in great surprise, “this is the mirror that I brought as a gift to your mother when I went up to the capital many years ago! And so you have kept it all this time? Now, why do you spend so much of your time before this mirror?”
72 「なんと」彼は非常に驚いて言った。それで、あなたはずっとそれを守ってきたのですか?では、なぜあなたはこの鏡の前で多くの時間を過ごすのですか?」
73 Then she told him of her mother’s last words, and of how she had promised to meet her child whenever she looked into the glass. But still the father could not understand the simplicity of his daughter’s character in not knowing that what she saw reflected in the mirror was in reality her own face, and not that of her mother.
73 それから彼女は母親の最後の言葉と、ガラスを覗き込むたびに子供に会うと約束したことを彼に話しました。しかし父親は、娘が鏡に映った自分の顔であって、母親の顔ではないことを知らなかったので、娘の素朴な性格を理解できなかった。
74 “What do you mean?” he asked. “I do not understand how you can meet the soul of your lost mother by looking in this mirror?”
74「どういう意味ですか?」彼は尋ねた。 「この鏡を見て、亡くなった母親の魂に会う方法がわかりませんか?」
75 “It is indeed true,” said the girl: “and if you don’t believe what I say, look for yourself,” and she placed the mirror before her. There, looking back from the smooth metal disk, was her own sweet face. She pointed to the reflection seriously:
75 「それは本当です」と娘は言いました。滑らかな金属のディスクから振り返ると、彼女自身の甘い顔がありました。彼女は真剣に反省を指摘しました:
76 “Do you doubt me still?” she asked earnestly, looking up into his face.
77 With an exclamation of sudden understanding the father smote his two hands together.
77 突然理解したという感嘆の声とともに、父親は両手を一緒に叩きました。
78 “How stupid I am! At last I understand. Your face is as like your mother’s as the two sides of a melon—thus you have looked at the reflection of your face all this time, thinking that you were brought face to face with your lost mother! You are truly a faithful child. It seems at first a stupid thing to have done, but it is not really so, It shows how deep has been your filial piety, and how innocent your heart. Living in constant remembrance of your lost mother has helped you to grow like her in character. How clever it was of her to tell you to do this. I admire and respect you, my daughter, and I am ashamed to think that for one instant I believed your suspicious step-mother’s story and suspected you of evil, and came with the intention of scolding you severely, while all this time you have been so true and good. Before you I have no countenance left, and I beg you to forgive me.”
78 「なんてバカなんだ!最後に私は理解しています。あなたの顔は、メロンの両面と同じように母親の顔に似ています。したがって、あなたは、亡くなった母親と顔を合わせたと思って、ずっと自分の顔の反射を見てきました。あなたは本当に忠実な子です。一見愚かな行為に思えますが、そうではありません。あなたの親孝行の深さと、あなたの心がどれほど純粋であるかを示しています。亡くなった母親のことを常に思い出して生活することで、母親のように成長することができました。彼女があなたにこれをするように言ったのはどれほど賢明でしたか。娘よ、私はあなたを尊敬し尊敬しているし、一瞬、あなたの疑わしい継母の話を信じて、あなたが悪いのではないかと疑って、あなたを厳しく叱るつもりで来たと思うと恥ずかしいです。とても真実で良い。私はあなたの前に顔が残っていません、そして私を許してください。」
79 And here the father wept. He thought of how lonely the poor girl must have been, and of all that she must have suffered under her step-mother’s treatment. His daughter steadfastly keeping her faith and simplicity in the midst of such adverse circumstances—bearing all her troubles with so much patience and amiability—made him compare her to the lotus which rears its blossom of dazzling beauty out of the slime and mud of the moats and ponds, fitting emblem of a heart which keeps itself unsullied while passing through the world.
79 そしてここで父は泣いた。彼はかわいそうな娘がどれほど孤独だったに違いないか、継母の治療で彼女が苦しんだに違いないすべてのことを考えました。彼の娘は、このような不利な状況の中で信念と純真さを堅持し、多くの忍耐と愛嬌ですべての問題に耐えました.そして池は、世界を通過する間、自分自身を汚さずに保つ心の象徴にふさわしい.
80 The step-mother, anxious to know what would happen, had all this while been standing outside the room. She had grown interested, and had gradually pushed the sliding screen back till she could see all that went on. At this moment she suddenly entered the room, and dropping to the mats, she bowed her head over her outspread hands before her step-daughter.
継母は、何が起こるか知りたがっていたが、部屋の外に立っていたとき、これらすべてを経験した。彼女は興味を持ち始め、すべてが見えるようになるまでスライド スクリーンを徐々に押し戻しました。この瞬間、彼女は突然部屋に入り、マットに腰を下ろし、義理の娘の前で両手を広げて頭を下げた。