【1169/5P】The Story of Urashima Taro, The Fisher Lad(浦島太郎)

101 Urashima, who had been till that moment like a strong and handsome youth of twenty-four, suddenly became very, very old. His back doubled up with age, his hair turned snowy white, his face wrinkled and he fell down dead on the beach.

101 その瞬間まで二十四歳のたくましくハンサムな若者のようだった浦島は、突然とてもとても年をとった。彼の背中は年齢とともに二重になり、髪は雪のように白くなり、顔はしわになり、浜辺で死んで倒れました.

102 Poor Urashima! because of his disobedience he could never return to the Sea King�fs realm or the lovely Princess beyond the sea.

102 かわいそうな浦島!彼の不服従のために、彼は海の王様の国にも、海の彼方の美しい王女様にも戻ることができませんでした。

103 Little children, never be disobedient to those who are wiser than you for disobedience was the beginning of all the miseries and sorrows of life.

103 小さな子供たちよ、あなたよりも賢い人たちに背いてはいけません。