
41 Eiko rode to meet him, and the two fought together for some time. They were well matched in a hand-to-hand combat. Hako, who was carefully watching the fray, saw that Eiko began to tire, and fearing that his companion would be killed, he took his place.
41 栄子は彼に会うために馬に乗り、二人はしばらく一緒に戦った。それらは白兵戦でよく一致しました。争いを注意深く見守っていたハコは、エイコが疲れ始めているのを見て、仲間が殺されることを恐れて、彼に取って代わった.
42 But Kokai had tired as well, and feeling him self unable to hold out against Hako, he said artfully:
42 しかし公海もまた疲れ果てており、ハコに立ち向かうことができないと感じた彼は巧妙に言った:
43 “You are too magnanimous, thus to fight for your friend and run the risk of being killed. I will not hurt such a good man.”
43 「あなたは寛大すぎて、友のために戦い、殺される危険を冒すことはできません。そんないい男を傷つけたりはしない」
44 And he pretended to retreat, turning away the head of his horse. His intention was to throw Hako off his guard and then to wheel round and take him by surprise.
44 そして彼は馬の頭をそむけて、退却するふりをした。彼の意図は、ハコを不意を突かれて追い払うことでした。
45 But Shikuyu understood the wily wizard, and he spoke at once:
45 しかしシクユウは狡猾な魔法使いを理解して、すぐにこう言いました。
46 “You are a coward! You cannot deceive me!”
47 Saying this, the Fire King made a sign to the unwary Hako to attack him. Kokai now turned upon Shikuyu furiously, but he was tired and unable to fight well, and he soon received a wound in his shoulder. He now broke from the fray and tried to escape in earnest.
47 そう言って火王は不注意なハコに攻撃の合図を出した。紅海は激怒して紫玖に向き直ったが、疲れてうまく戦えず、すぐに肩に傷を負った.彼は今、争いから抜け出し、真剣に逃げようとしました.
48 While the fight between their leaders had been going on the two armies had stood waiting for the issue. Shikuyu now turned and bade Jokwa’s soldiers charge the enemy’s forces. This they did, and routed them with great slaughter, and the wizard barely escaped with his life.
48 彼らの指導者同士の戦いが続いている間、両軍は問題を待っていた.シクユは振り返り、ジョクワの兵士に敵軍に突撃するよう命じた。彼らはこれを行い、大虐殺で彼らを敗走させ、魔法使いはかろうじて命からがら逃げました。
49 It was in vain that Kokai called upon the Water Devil to help him, for Shikuyu knew the counter-charm. The wizard found that the battle was against him. Mad with pain, for his wound began to trouble him, and frenzied with disappointment and fear, he dashed his head against the rocks of Mount Shu and died on the spot.
49 コーカイが水の悪魔に助けを求めたのは無駄だった。魔法使いは、戦いが自分に不利であることを知りました。彼の傷が彼を悩ませ始めたので、痛みに狂って、失望と恐怖に狂乱し、彼は首山の岩に頭をぶつけてその場で死んだ.
50 There was an end of the wicked Kokai, but not of trouble in the Empress Jokwa’s Kingdom, as you shall see. The force with which the wizard fell against the rocks was so great that the mountain burst, and fire rushed out from the earth, and one of the pillars upholding the Heavens was broken so that one corner of the sky dropped till it touched the earth.
50 邪悪なコカイは終焉を迎えたが、ジョクワ皇后の王国では問題が発生しなかった。魔法使いが岩にぶつかる力は非常に強かったので、山が破裂し、火が地面から噴き出し、天を支えていた柱の 1 つが壊れて、空の 1 つの隅が地面に触れるまで落ちました。
51 Shikuyu, the Fire King, took up the body of the wizard and carried it to the Empress Jokwa, who rejoiced greatly that her enemy was vanquished, and her generals victorious. She showered all manner of gifts and honors upon Shikuyu.
51 火の王シクユは魔法使いの死体を取り上げ、ジョクワ皇后に運んだ。ジョクワ皇后は敵が打ち負かされ、将軍たちが勝利したことを大いに喜んだ。彼女はあらゆる種類の贈り物と栄誉を紫玖に浴びせました。
52 But all this time fire was bursting from the mountain broken by the fall of Kokai. Whole villages were destroyed, rice-fields burnt up, river beds filled with the burning lava, and the homeless people were in great distress. So the Empress left the capital as soon as she had rewarded the victor Shikuyu, and journeyed with all speed to the scene of disaster. She found that both Heaven and earth had sustained damage, and the place was so dark that she had to light her lamp to find out the extent of the havoc that had been wrought.
52 しかし、コーカイの陥落で壊れた山からはずっと火が噴き出していた。村全体が破壊され、田んぼが焼き尽くされ、川床は燃える溶岩で満たされ、ホームレスの人々は大きな窮地に立たされました。皇后は勝者の紫焔に褒美を与えるやいなや都を去り、全速力で災難の現場へと旅立った。彼女は、天と地の両方が損傷を受けていることを発見し、その場所は非常に暗かったので、彼女はランプを点灯させて、もたらされた大混乱の程度を調べなければなりませんでした.
53 Having ascertained this, she set to work at repairs. To this end she ordered her subjects to collect stones of five colors—blue, yellow, red, white and black. When she had obtained these, she boiled them with a kind of porcelain in a large caldron, and the mixture became a beautiful paste, and with this she knew that she could mend the sky. Now all was ready.
53 これを確認した後、彼女は修理に取り掛かりました。この目的のために、彼女は被験者に、青、黄、赤、白、黒の 5 色の石を集めるように命じました。これらを手に入れると、大きな大釜で一種の磁器と一緒に煮ました。混合物は美しいペーストになり、これで空を修復できることを知っていました。これですべての準備が整いました。
54 Summoning the clouds that were sailing ever so high above her head, she mounted them, and rode heavenwards, carrying in her hands the vase containing the paste made from the stones of five colors. She soon reached the corner of the sky that was broken, and applied the paste and mended it. Having done this, she turned her attention to the broken pillar, and with the legs of a very large tortoise she mended it. When this was finished she mounted the clouds and descended to the earth, hoping to find that all was now right, but to her dismay she found that it was still quite dark. Neither the sun shone by day nor the moon by night.
54 彼女は頭上をずっと高く飛んでいた雲を呼び寄せ、雲に乗り、五色の石から作られたペーストの入った花瓶を手に持って天に向かって馬に乗った。彼女はすぐに壊れた空の隅に到達し、ペーストを適用して修復しました.これを行った後、彼女は壊れた柱に注意を向け、非常に大きな亀の足でそれを直しました.これが終わったとき、彼女は雲に乗って地球に降り、今はすべてが正しいことを知りたいと思っていましたが、彼女はがっかりして、まだかなり暗いことに気づきました。昼は太陽も、夜は月も輝いていませんでした。
55 Greatly perplexed, she at last called a meeting of all the wise men of the Kingdom, and asked their advice as to what she should do in this dilemma.
55 非常に困惑した彼女は、ついに王国のすべての賢者の会議を招集し、このジレンマで何をすべきかアドバイスを求めた.
56 Two of the wisest said:
56 最も賢明な 2 人は次のように述べています。
57 “The roads of Heaven have been damaged by the late accident, and the Sun and Moon have been obliged to stay at home. Neither the Sun could make his daily journey nor the Moon her nightly one because of the bad roads. The Sun and Moon do not yet know that your Majesty has mended all that was damaged, so we will go and inform them that since you have repaired them the roads are safe.”
57 「先日の事故で天国の道は損傷を受け、太陽と月は家に留まらざるを得なくなりました。悪路のため、太陽は毎日の旅をすることができず、月は夜の旅をすることもできませんでした。太陽と月は、陛下が損傷したすべてのものを修復したことをまだ知らないので、私たちは行って、あなたがそれらを修復したので、道路は安全であることを彼らに知らせます。」
58 The Empress approved of what the wise men suggested, and ordered them to set out on their mission. But this was not easy, for the Palace of the Sun and Moon was many, many hundreds of thousands of miles distant into the East. If they traveled on foot they might never reach the place, they would die of old age on the road. But Jokwa had recourse to magic. She gave her two ambassadors wonderful chariots which could whirl through the air by magic power a thousand miles per minute. They set out in good spirits, riding above the clouds, and after many days they reached the country where the Sun and the Moon were living happily together.
58 皇后は博士たちの提案を承認し、彼らに任務に着手するよう命じました。しかし、これは簡単なことではありませんでした。なぜなら、太陽と月の宮殿は東に数十万マイルも離れたところにあったからです。彼らが徒歩で移動した場合、彼らはその場所にたどり着くことができず、道で老衰で死ぬでしょう。しかし、ジョクワは魔法に頼っていました。彼女は 2 人の大使に、毎分千マイルの魔法の力で空中を旋回できる素晴らしい戦車を与えました。彼らは雲の上に乗って上機嫌で出発し、何日もたって、太陽と月が共に幸せに暮らしている国にたどり着きました。
59 The two ambassadors were granted an interview with their Majesties of Light and asked them why they had for so many days secluded themselves from the Universe? Did they not know that by doing so they plunged the world and all its people into uttermost darkness both day and night?
59 2 人の大使は、光の陛下とのインタビューを許可され、宇宙から何日も離れていた理由を尋ねました。そうすることによって、彼らは世界とそのすべての人々を昼も夜も完全な暗闇に陥れたことを彼らは知らなかったのですか?
60 Replied the Sun and the Moon:
60 太陽と月はこう答えました。