
1 Feeling that Peter was on his way back, the Neverland had again woke into life. We ought to use the pluperfect and say wakened, but woke is better and was always used by Peter.
1 ピーターが帰る途中だと感じたネバーランドは、再び生き返りました。 pluperfect を使用して wakened と言うべきですが、wakeed の方が優れており、Peter によって常に使用されていました。
2 In his absence things are usually quiet on the island. The fairies take an hour longer in the morning, the beasts attend to their young, the redskins feed heavily for six days and nights, and when pirates and lost boys meet they merely bite their thumbs at each other. But with the coming of Peter, who hates lethargy, they are under way again: if you put your ear to the ground now, you would hear the whole island seething with life.
2 彼が不在のとき、島はたいてい静かだ。妖精たちは朝に 1 時間長くかかり、獣たちは子供の世話をし、アメリカインディアンは 6 日夜、大量に餌を食べます。しかし、無気力を嫌うピーターの到来により、彼らは再び進行中です。今耳を地面に向けると、島全体が活気に満ちているのが聞こえます。
3 On this evening the chief forces of the island were disposed as follows. The lost boys were out looking for Peter, the pirates were out looking for the lost boys, the redskins were out looking for the pirates, and the beasts were out looking for the redskins. They were going round and round the island, but they did not meet because all were going at the same rate.
3 この夜、島の主力部隊は次のように配置された。行方不明の少年たちはピーターを探しに出かけ、海賊は行方不明の少年を探しに出かけ、レッドスキンは海賊を探しに出かけ、獣たちはレッドスキンを探しに出かけました。彼らは島をぐるぐる回っていましたが、すべてが同じ速度で進んでいたため、会うことはありませんでした。
4 All wanted blood except the boys, who liked it as a rule, but to-night were out to greet their captain. The boys on the island vary, of course, in numbers, according as they get killed and so on; and when they seem to be growing up, which is against the rules, Peter thins them out; but at this time there were six of them, counting the twins as two. Let us pretend to lie here among the sugar-cane and watch them as they steal by in single file, each with his hand on his dagger.
5 They are forbidden by Peter to look in the least like him, and they wear the skins of the bears slain by themselves, in which they are so round and furry that when they fall they roll. They have therefore become very sure-footed.
5 彼らはペテロに少しでも彼のように見えることを禁じられており、自分で殺されたクマの皮をまとっています。したがって、彼らは非常に確かな足取りになっています。
6 The first to pass is Tootles, not the least brave but the most unfortunate of all that gallant band. He had been in fewer adventures than any of them, because the big things constantly happened just when he had stepped round the corner; all would be quiet, he would take the opportunity of going off to gather a few sticks for firewood, and then when he returned the others would be sweeping up the blood. This ill-luck had given a gentle melancholy to his countenance, but instead of souring his nature had sweetened it, so that he was quite the humblest of the boys. Poor kind Tootles, there is danger in the air for you to-night. Take care lest an adventure is now offered you, which, if accepted, will plunge you in deepest woe. Tootles, the fairy Tink, who is bent on mischief this night is looking for a tool, and she thinks you are the most easily tricked of the boys. ’Ware Tinker Bell.
6 最初に通過したのはトゥートルズで、勇敢なバンドの中で最も勇敢ではありませんが、最も不運です。彼が冒険に出た回数は他の誰よりも少なかった。すべてが静かになり、彼は機会を利用して薪用の棒を数本集めるために出かけ、戻ったとき、他の人たちは血を一掃していました。この不運は彼の表情に穏やかな憂鬱を与えたが、彼の性質はそれを甘やかす代わりに甘くしたので、彼は男の子の中で最も謙虚だった.かわいそうに親切なトゥートルズよ、今夜はあなたに危険が迫っています。冒険があなたに提供されないように気をつけてください。妖精のティンクのトゥートルズは、今夜イタズラを仕掛ける道具を探しています。ティンカー・ベルだ。
7 Would that he could hear us, but we are not really on the island, and he passes by, biting his knuckles.
7 私たちの声が聞こえたらいいのですが、私たちは実際には島にいないので、彼は指関節を噛みながら通り過ぎます。
8 Next comes Nibs, the gay and debonair, followed by Slightly, who cuts whistles out of the trees and dances ecstatically to his own tunes. Slightly is the most conceited of the boys. He thinks he remembers the days before he was lost, with their manners and customs, and this has given his nose an offensive tilt. Curly is fourth; he is a pickle, and so often has he had to deliver up his person when Peter said sternly, “Stand forth the one who did this thing,” that now at the command he stands forth automatically whether he has done it or not. Last come the Twins, who cannot be described because we should be sure to be describing the wrong one. Peter never quite knew what twins were, and his band were not allowed to know anything he did not know, so these two were always vague about themselves, and did their best to give satisfaction by keeping close together in an apologetic sort of way.
8 次に登場するのは、陽気で礼儀正しい Nibs で、続いて Slightly が木から口笛を吹き、自分の曲に合わせて恍惚と踊ります。スライトリーは男の子の中で最もうぬぼれている。彼は自分が迷子になる前の日々の風習や習慣を覚えていると考えており、これが彼の鼻を攻撃的に傾けています.カーリーは4番目です。彼はピクルスであり、ピーターが「このことをした人を立てなさい」と厳しく言ったとき、彼はしばしば彼の人を引き渡さなければなりませんでした。最後に双子が登場しますが、双子については説明できません。ピーターは双子が何であるかを全く知りませんでした.そして彼のバンドは彼が知らないことを知ることを許されませんでした.
9 The boys vanish in the gloom, and after a pause, but not a long pause, for things go briskly on the island, come the pirates on their track. We hear them before they are seen, and it is always the same dreadful song:
9 少年たちは暗闇の中で姿を消し、一時停止した後、長い一時停止ではありませんでした。島では物事が活発に進んでいたためです。私たちは彼らが見られる前にそれらを聞きます、そしてそれはいつも同じ恐ろしい歌です:
10 “Avast belay, yo ho, heave to, A-pirating we go, And if we’re parted by a shot We’re sure to meet below!”
10 「Avast belay, yo ho, heave to, A-pirating we go ショットで別れたら きっと下で会える!」
11 A more villainous-looking lot never hung in a row on Execution dock. Here, a little in advance, ever and again with his head to the ground listening, his great arms bare, pieces of eight in his ears as ornaments, is the handsome Italian Cecco, who cut his name in letters of blood on the back of the governor of the prison at Gao. That gigantic black behind him has had many names since he dropped the one with which dusky mothers still terrify their children on the banks of the Guadjo-mo. Here is Bill Jukes, every inch of him tattooed, the same Bill Jukes who got six dozen on the _Walrus_ from Flint before he would drop the bag of moidores; and Cookson, said to be Black Murphy’s brother (but this was never proved), and Gentleman Starkey, once an usher in a public school and still dainty in his ways of killing; and Skylights (Morgan’s Skylights); and the Irish bo’sun Smee, an oddly genial man who stabbed, so to speak, without offence, and was the only Non-conformist in Hook’s crew; and Noodler, whose hands were fixed on backwards; and Robt. Mullins and Alf Mason and many another ruffian long known and feared on the Spanish Main.
11 処刑ドックに一列に並ぶことのない、より悪意のあるロット。ここで、少し前に、頭を地面に向けて何度も耳を傾け、大きな腕をむき出しにし、耳に飾りとして 8 のピースを付けているのは、ハンサムなイタリア人チェッコです。ガオ刑務所の長官。彼の背後にある巨大な黒人には、グアジョモのほとりで薄暗い母親が今でも子供たちを怖がらせる名前を彼が落として以来、多くの名前が付けられています。ここにビル・ジュークスがいる、彼の隅々まで刺青があり、同じビル・ジュークスがモイドールの袋を落とす前にフリントから_セイウチ_で6ダースを手に入れた。そしてクックソンはブラック・マーフィーの兄弟であると言われていますが(しかし、これは証明されていませんでした)、ジェントルマン・スターキーはかつて公立学校の案内係であり、彼の殺し方はまだ可憐です。およびスカイライト (モーガンのスカイライト);そして、アイルランド人のボススン・スミーは、奇妙に温和な男で、いわば攻撃することなく刺し、フックの乗組員の中で唯一の非国教徒でした。そして、手を後ろ向きに固定したヌードラー。とロブ。マリンズとアルフ・メイソン、そしてスパニッシュ・メインで長い間知られていて恐れられていた他の多くの悪党。
12 In the midst of them, the blackest and largest in that dark setting, reclined James Hook, or as he wrote himself, Jas. Hook, of whom it is said he was the only man that the Sea-Cook feared. He lay at his ease in a rough chariot drawn and propelled by his men, and instead of a right hand he had the iron hook with which ever and anon he encouraged them to increase their pace. As dogs this terrible man treated and addressed them, and as dogs they obeyed him. In person he was cadaverous and blackavized, and his hair was dressed in long curls, which at a little distance looked like black candles, and gave a singularly threatening expression to his handsome countenance. His eyes were of the blue of the forget-me-not, and of a profound melancholy, save when he was plunging his hook into you, at which time two red spots appeared in them and lit them up horribly. In manner, something of the grand seigneur still clung to him, so that he even ripped you up with an air, and I have been told that he was a _raconteur_ of repute. He was never more sinister than when he was most polite, which is probably the truest test of breeding; and the elegance of his diction, even when he was swearing, no less than the distinction of his demeanour, showed him one of a different cast from his crew. A man of indomitable courage, it was said that the only thing he shied at was the sight of his own blood, which was thick and of an unusual colour. In dress he somewhat aped the attire associated with the name of Charles II, having heard it said in some earlier period of his career that he bore a strange resemblance to the ill-fated Stuarts; and in his mouth he had a holder of his own contrivance which enabled him to smoke two cigars at once. But undoubtedly the grimmest part of him was his iron claw.
12 それらの真っ只中で、その暗い環境の中で最も黒く、最大の人物が、ジェイムズ・フック、または彼自身が書いたように、Jas をリクライニングさせました。フックは、シークックが恐れていた唯一の男だったと言われています。彼は部下が引いて推進する荒い戦車にゆったりと横たわり、右手の代わりに鉄のフックを持っていました。この恐ろしい男は犬のように彼らを扱い、話しかけ、彼らは犬のように彼に従いました。肉眼では死体のように黒く変色しており、髪は長いカールをしており、少し離れて見ると黒いろうそくのように見え、ハンサムな顔立ちに非常に威圧的な表情を与えていた。彼の目はワスレナグサの青で、深い憂鬱を感じさせたが、彼があなたにフックを突っ込んだときを除いては、2 つの赤い斑点が目に入り、恐ろしく輝いていた。態度では、大領主の何かがまだ彼に固執していたので、彼はあなたを空気で引き裂くことさえしました。彼は最も礼儀正しくしていたときほど不吉ではなかった。そして彼の口調の優雅さは、彼が悪態をついているときでさえ、彼の態度の際立った特徴と同様に、彼が彼の乗組員とは異なるキャストの1人であることを示していました.不屈の勇気を持った男であり、彼が唯一恐れていたのは、自分の血が濃厚で異常な色をしているのを見ることだったと言われています。ドレスでは、チャールズ2世の名前に関連する服装をいくらか模倣しました.彼の口には、一度に 2 本の葉巻を吸うことができる独自の仕掛けがありました。しかし、間違いなく彼の最も恐ろしい部分は彼の鉄の爪でした.
13 Let us now kill a pirate, to show Hook’s method. Skylights will do. As they pass, Skylights lurches clumsily against him, ruffling his lace collar; the hook shoots forth, there is a tearing sound and one screech, then the body is kicked aside, and the pirates pass on. He has not even taken the cigars from his mouth.
13 フックの方法を示すために、海賊を殺してみましょう。天窓で十分です。彼らが通り過ぎると、スカイライトは不器用に彼に寄りかかり、レースの襟を波立たせます。フックが発射され、引き裂くような音と金切り声が 1 回鳴り、体が蹴り飛ばされ、海賊は通り過ぎていきます。彼は口から葉巻さえ取っていません。
14 Such is the terrible man against whom Peter Pan is pitted. Which will win?
14 ピーターパンが戦っている恐ろしい男です。どちらが勝つでしょうか?
15 On the trail of the pirates, stealing noiselessly down the war-path, which is not visible to inexperienced eyes, come the redskins, every one of them with his eyes peeled. They carry tomahawks and knives, and their naked bodies gleam with paint and oil. Strung around them are scalps, of boys as well as of pirates, for these are the Piccaninny tribe, and not to be confused with the softer-hearted Delawares or the Hurons. In the van, on all fours, is Great Big Little Panther, a brave of so many scalps that in his present position they somewhat impede his progress. Bringing up the rear, the place of greatest danger, comes Tiger Lily, proudly erect, a princess in her own right. She is the most beautiful of dusky Dianas and the belle of the Piccaninnies, coquettish, cold and amorous by turns; there is not a brave who would not have the wayward thing to wife, but she staves off the altar with a hatchet. Observe how they pass over fallen twigs without making the slightest noise. The only sound to be heard is their somewhat heavy breathing. The fact is that they are all a little fat just now after the heavy gorging, but in time they will work this off. For the moment, however, it constitutes their chief danger.
15 海賊の足跡をたどり、経験の浅い目には見えない戦争の道を音を立てずに忍び寄ると、レッドスキンがやって来ます。彼らはトマホークとナイフを持ち、裸の体はペンキと油で輝いています。彼らの周りには、少年や海賊の頭皮が張り巡らされています。これらはピカニニー族であり、心の優しいデラウェア族やヒューロン族と混同しないでください.バンには、四つん這いのグレート ビッグ リトル パンサーがいます。非常に多くの頭皮の勇敢な人であり、現在の位置では、それらが彼の進歩を幾分妨げています。最も危険な場所である後部を持ち上げると、誇らしげに直立した、それ自体が王女であるタイガー・リリーが登場します。彼女は薄暗いダイアナの中で最も美しく、ピカニニーの美人であり、コケティッシュで、冷たく、好色です。妻にわがままを言わない勇者はいないが、彼女は鉈で祭壇を食い止める。倒れた小枝の上を音をたてずに通過する様子を観察してください。聞こえるのは、彼らのやや荒い息遣いだけです。事実は、彼らはすべて、激しいゴージの直後に少し太っていますが、やがてこれを取り除くでしょう.しかし、今のところ、それが彼らの最大の危険を構成しています。
16 The redskins disappear as they have come like shadows, and soon their place is taken by the beasts, a great and motley procession: lions, tigers, bears, and the innumerable smaller savage things that flee from them, for every kind of beast, and, more particularly, all the man-eaters, live cheek by jowl on the favoured island. Their tongues are hanging out, they are hungry to-night.
16 レッドスキンは影のように姿を消し、すぐにその場所を獣に取って代わられます。ライオン、トラ、クマ、そしてあらゆる種類の獣のために、ライオン、トラ、クマ、そして彼らから逃げる無数の小さな野蛮なものです。そして、より具体的には、すべての人食い動物が、お気に入りの島で頬を寄せ合って暮らしています。彼らの舌はぶら下がっています、彼らは今夜空腹です.
17 When they have passed, comes the last figure of all, a gigantic crocodile. We shall see for whom she is looking presently.
17 彼らが通り過ぎると、最後の姿、巨大なワニがやってくる。彼女が現在誰を探しているか見てみましょう。
18 The crocodile passes, but soon the boys appear again, for the procession must continue indefinitely until one of the parties stops or changes its pace. Then quickly they will be on top of each other.
18 ワニは通り過ぎますが、すぐに男の子たちが再び現れます。なぜなら、どちらかが止まるかペースを変えるまで、行進は無期限に続けなければならないからです。その後、すぐにそれらは互いに重なり合います。
19 All are keeping a sharp look-out in front, but none suspects that the danger may be creeping up from behind. This shows how real the island was.
19 全員が前方を鋭く見張っていますが、背後から危険が忍び寄っているとは誰も疑っていません。これは、島がいかにリアルであったかを示しています。
20 The first to fall out of the moving circle was the boys. They flung themselves down on the sward, close to their underground home.
20 ムービングサークルから最初に脱落したのは少年たちでした。彼らは地下の家の近くの草地に身を投げました。
21 “I do wish Peter would come back,” every one of them said nervously, though in height and still more in breadth they were all larger than their captain.
21 「ピーターが戻ってきてくれたらいいのに」と、みんな緊張して言いました。
22 “I am the only one who is not afraid of the pirates,” Slightly said, in the tone that prevented his being a general favourite; but perhaps some distant sound disturbed him, for he added hastily, “but I wish he would come back, and tell us whether he has heard anything more about Cinderella.”
22 「海賊を恐れていないのは私だけだ」とスライトリーは言った。 「でも、シンデレラについて何か聞いたことがないか、また戻ってきてくれたらいいのに」