
41 Then, from the roadway, he heard the steps coming. They passed the gate, crossed the garden, approached the verandah, stopped—directly in front of him.
41 すると、車道から階段の音が聞こえてきた。彼らは門をくぐり、庭を横切り、ベランダに近づき、立ち止まった――彼の真ん前で。
42 “Hōïchi!” the deep voice called. But the blind man held his breath, and sat motionless.
43 “Hōïchi!” grimly called the voice a second time. Then a third time—savagely:—
43「芳一!」ぎこちなく声をもう一度呼んだ。それから 3 回目 — 野蛮に: —
44 “Hōïchi!”
45 Hōïchi remained as still as a stone,—and the voice grumbled:—
45 芳一は石のようにじっとしていた――そして声はつぶやいた――
46 “No answer!—that won’t do!… Must see where the fellow is.”…
46 「答えない!それはだめだ!…仲間がどこにいるか見なければならない.」…
47 There was a noise of heavy feet mounting upon the verandah. The feet approached deliberately,—halted beside him. Then, for long minutes,—during which Hōïchi felt his whole body shake to the beating of his heart,—there was dead silence.
47 重い足がベランダに乗り上げる音がした。足は故意に近づき、彼のそばで止まった。それから、長い間――芳一は心臓の鼓動に全身が震えるのを感じていた――完全な沈黙があった。
48 At last the gruff voice muttered close to him:—
48 ついに彼の近くで不機嫌そうな声がつぶやいた。
49 “Here is the biwa; but of the biwa-player I see—only two ears!… So that explains why he did not answer: he had no mouth to answer with—there is nothing left of him but his ears… Now to my lord those ears I will take—in proof that the august commands have been obeyed, so far as was possible”…
49 「これが琵琶です。しかし、琵琶奏者の私が見るのは 2 つの耳だけです!…だから彼が答えなかった理由は説明できます:彼には答える口がありませんでした-彼には何も残っていませんが、彼の耳だけです… 8月の命令が可能な限り守られたという証拠として、私は耳を傾けます…
50 At that instant Hōïchi felt his ears gripped by fingers of iron, and torn off! Great as the pain was, he gave no cry. The heavy footfalls receded along the verandah,—descended into the garden,—passed out to the roadway,—ceased. From either side of his head, the blind man felt a thick warm trickling; but he dared not lift his hands…
50 その瞬間、芳一は自分の耳が鉄の指で掴まれて引きちぎられるのを感じた!痛みは大きかったが、彼は泣かなかった。激しい足音はベランダに沿って遠ざかり、庭へと降り、車道へと消えていき、やんだ。盲目の男は、頭の両側から、どっしりとした温かい滴りを感じた。しかし、彼はあえて手を上げませんでした…
51 Before sunrise the priest came back. He hastened at once to the verandah in the rear, stepped and slipped upon something clammy, and uttered a cry of horror;—for he saw, by the light of his lantern, that the clamminess was blood. But he perceived Hōïchi sitting there, in the attitude of meditation—with the blood still oozing from his wounds.
51 日の出前に司祭が戻ってきた。彼はすぐに後ろのベランダに急いで行き、何かベトベトしたものを踏んで滑り、恐怖の叫び声を上げた.彼はランタンの光でベトベトが血であるのを見た.しかし、彼は芳一が瞑想の姿勢でそこに座っていることに気づきました—彼の傷からまだ血がにじみ出ていました.
52 “My poor Hōïchi!” cried the startled priest,—“what is this?… You have been hurt?”
53 At the sound of his friend’s voice, the blind man felt safe. He burst out sobbing, and tearfully told his adventure of the night.
53 友人の声を聞いて、盲人は安心しました。彼はすすり泣き、涙ながらに夜の冒険を語った。
54 “Poor, poor Hōïchi!” the priest exclaimed,—“all my fault!—my very grievous fault!… Everywhere upon your body the holy texts had been written—except upon your ears! I trusted my acolyte to do that part of the work; and it was very, very wrong of me not to have made sure that he had done it!… Well, the matter cannot now be helped;—we can only try to heal your hurts as soon as possible… Cheer up, friend!—the danger is now well over. You will never again be troubled by those visitors.”
54「かわいそうな芳一!」司祭は叫んだ。私は従者が仕事のその部分を行うことを信頼しました。そして、彼がそれをしたことを確認しなかったのは、私が非常に間違っていた!… まあ、問題は今では仕方がない;—私たちはできるだけ早くあなたの傷を癒そうとすることしかできない. 元気を出して友よ!—危険はもう十分に過ぎ去りました。二度とあの訪問者に悩まされることはありません。」
55 With the aid of a good doctor, Hōïchi soon recovered from his injuries. The story of his strange adventure spread far and wide, and soon made him famous. Many noble persons went to Akamagaséki to hear him recite; and large presents of money were given to him,—so that he became a wealthy man… But from the time of his adventure, he was known only by the appellation of _Mimi-nashi-Hōïchi:_ “Hōïchi-the-Earless.”
55 良い医者の助けを借りて、芳一はすぐに怪我から回復した.彼の奇妙な冒険の物語は広く広まり、すぐに彼を有名にしました。多くの貴族が彼の朗読を聞くために赤間ヶ関に行きました。そして多額の金のプレゼントが彼に与えられたので、彼は裕福な男になった… 」