
21 “Although we had been assured that you were a very skillful player upon the biwa, and without an equal in recitative, we did not know that any one could be so skillful as you have proved yourself to-night. Our lord has been pleased to say that he intends to bestow upon you a fitting reward. But he desires that you shall perform before him once every night for the next six nights—after which time he will probably make his august return-journey. To-morrow night, therefore, you are to come here at the same hour. The retainer who to-night conducted you will be sent for you… There is another matter about which I have been ordered to inform you. It is required that you shall speak to no one of your visits here, during the time of our lord’s august sojourn at Akamagaséki. As he is traveling incognito,[6] he commands that no mention of these things be made… You are now free to go back to your temple.”
21 「あなたが琵琶の非常に熟練した奏者であり、レチタティーヴォに匹敵するものがないことは確かでしたが、今夜あなたが証明したほどの熟練した人がいるとは知りませんでした。私たちの領主は、あなたに適切な報酬を与えるつもりであると言って喜んでいます.しかし、彼は、あなたが次の 6 日間、毎晩 1 回彼の前で演奏してくれることを望んでいます。したがって、明日の夜、あなたは同じ時間にここに来なければなりません。今夜あなたを指揮した家臣があなたのために派遣されます… 私はあなたに通知するように命じられた別の事項があります.我が主君が八月に赤間ヶ関に滞在している間、ここを訪れても誰とも話してはならない。彼は秘密裏に旅行しているので[6]、これらのことについて言及しないように命じています…あなたは今、自由にあなたの寺院に戻ることができます。
22 After Hōïchi had duly expressed his thanks, a woman’s hand conducted him to the entrance of the house, where the same retainer, who had before guided him, was waiting to take him home. The retainer led him to the verandah at the rear of the temple, and there bade him farewell.
22 芳一が正式に感謝の意を表した後、女性の手が彼を家の入り口に導きました。家臣は彼を寺の裏の縁側に連れて行き、そこで別れを告げた。
23 It was almost dawn when Hōïchi returned; but his absence from the temple had not been observed,—as the priest, coming back at a very late hour, had supposed him asleep. During the day Hōïchi was able to take some rest; and he said nothing about his strange adventure. In the middle of the following night the samurai again came for him, and led him to the august assembly, where he gave another recitation with the same success that had attended his previous performance. But during this second visit his absence from the temple was accidentally discovered; and after his return in the morning he was summoned to the presence of the priest, who said to him, in a tone of kindly reproach:—
23 芳一が帰ってきたのはほとんど夜明けだった。しかし、彼が寺院にいないことは知られていませんでした。 というのも、非常に遅い時間に戻ってきた僧侶が、彼が眠っていると思っていたからです。日中、芳一は少し休むことができた。彼は自分の奇妙な冒険については何も言いませんでした。次の真夜中、武士は再び彼を迎えに来て、彼を八月の集会に連れて行った。しかし、この 2 回目の訪問中に、彼が神殿にいないことが偶然発見されました。そして朝に戻った後、彼は司祭の前に召喚され、司祭は親切に非難する口調で彼に言った:
24 “We have been very anxious about you, friend Hōïchi. To go out, blind and alone, at so late an hour, is dangerous. Why did you go without telling us? I could have ordered a servant to accompany you. And where have you been?”
24 「芳一友よ、私たちはあなたのことをとても心配していました。こんな遅い時間に、盲目で一人で外出するのは危険だ。なぜ私たちに言わずに行ったのですか?使用人に同行するよう命じることもできました。で、どこにいたの?」
25 Hōïchi answered, evasively,—
25 芳一は言い逃れ的に答えた――
26 “Pardon me kind friend! I had to attend to some private business; and I could not arrange the matter at any other hour.”
27 The priest was surprised, rather than pained, by Hōïchi’s reticence: he felt it to be unnatural, and suspected something wrong. He feared that the blind lad had been bewitched or deluded by some evil spirits. He did not ask any more questions; but he privately instructed the men-servants of the temple to keep watch upon Hōïchi’s movements, and to follow him in case that he should again leave the temple after dark.
27 僧侶は、芳一の寡黙さに心を痛めたというよりはむしろ驚いた。彼は、盲目の少年が悪霊に魔法をかけられたか惑わされたのではないかと心配した.彼はそれ以上質問しませんでした。しかし、彼は寺院の男性使用人に、芳一の動きを監視し、暗くなってから再び寺院を離れた場合に備えて彼に従うように個人的に指示しました。
28 On the very next night, Hōïchi was seen to leave the temple; and the servants immediately lighted their lanterns, and followed after him. But it was a rainy night, and very dark; and before the temple-folks could get to the roadway, Hōïchi had disappeared. Evidently he had walked very fast,—a strange thing, considering his blindness; for the road was in a bad condition. The men hurried through the streets, making inquiries at every house which Hōïchi was accustomed to visit; but nobody could give them any news of him. At last, as they were returning to the temple by way of the shore, they were startled by the sound of a biwa, furiously played, in the cemetery of the Amidaji. Except for some ghostly fires—such as usually flitted there on dark nights—all was blackness in that direction. But the men at once hastened to the cemetery; and there, by the help of their lanterns, they discovered Hōïchi,—sitting alone in the rain before the memorial tomb of Antoku Tennō, making his biwa resound, and loudly chanting the chant of the battle of Dan-no-ura. And behind him, and about him, and everywhere above the tombs, the fires of the dead were burning, like candles. Never before had so great a host of _Oni-bi_ appeared in the sight of mortal man…
28 次の夜、芳一が寺を出るのが見られた。従者たちはすぐに提灯に火をつけ、彼の後を追った。しかし、それは雨の夜で、とても暗かった。そして、寺院の人々が車道に着く前に、芳一は姿を消しました。どうやら彼は非常に速く歩いていたようだ。道の状態が悪かったからです。男たちは大急ぎで通りを駆け回り、芳一がいつも訪れていたすべての家に尋ねた。しかし、誰も彼のニュースを彼らに与えることができませんでした。最後に、彼らが海岸を通って寺院に戻るとき、彼らは阿弥陀寺の墓地で猛烈に演奏された琵琶の音に驚いた.いくつかの幽霊のような火を除いて — 通常、暗い夜にそこに飛び散る — その方向にはすべてが暗黒でした.しかし、男たちはすぐに墓地に急いだ。そこで、提灯の助けを借りて、彼らは芳一を発見しました—雨の中、安徳天皇の記念の墓の前に一人で座って、彼の琵琶を鳴らし、壇ノ浦の戦いの歌を大声で唱えていました。そして彼の後ろ、彼の周り、そして墓の上の至る所で、ろうそくのように死者の火が燃えていました。これほど多くの鬼火が人間の目の前に現れたことはかつてありませんでした…
29 “Hōïchi San!—Hōïchi San!” the servants cried,—“you are bewitched!… Hōïchi San!”
29話「芳一さん!―芳一さん!」 「あなたは魔法にかけられています!…芳一さん!」
30 But the blind man did not seem to hear. Strenuously he made his biwa to rattle and ring and clang;—more and more wildly he chanted the chant of the battle of Dan-no-ura. They caught hold of him;—they shouted into his ear,—
30 しかし、盲人には聞こえなかったようだった。彼は激しく琵琶を鳴らし、鳴らし、ガチャガチャと鳴らし、ますます乱暴に壇ノ浦の戦いの詠唱を唱えた。彼らは彼をつかまえた――彼らは彼の耳元で叫んだ――
31 “Hōïchi San!—Hōïchi San!—come home with us at once!”
31「芳一さん! 芳一さん! 早くうちに来て!」
32 Reprovingly he spoke to them:—
32 とがめるように彼は彼らに話した:—
33 “To interrupt me in such a manner, before this august assembly, will not be tolerated.”
33 「この 8 月の集会の前に、このように私を妨害することは許されません。」
34 Whereat, in spite of the weirdness of the thing, the servants could not help laughing. Sure that he had been bewitched, they now seized him, and pulled him up on his feet, and by main force hurried him back to the temple,—where he was immediately relieved of his wet clothes, by order of the priest. Then the priest insisted upon a full explanation of his friend’s astonishing behavior.
34 奇妙なことに、使用人たちは笑わずにはいられなかった。彼が魔法にかけられたことを確信して、彼らは彼を捕らえ、彼を立ち上がらせ、力ずくで急いで神殿に連れ戻した。それから司祭は、彼の友人の驚くべき行動について完全な説明を求めました。
35 Hōïchi long hesitated to speak. But at last, finding that his conduct had really alarmed and angered the good priest, he decided to abandon his reserve; and he related everything that had happened from the time of first visit of the samurai.
35 芳一は長いこと話すのをためらっていた。しかし、ついに、彼の行動が善良な司祭を本当に驚かせ、怒らせたことに気づき、彼は自分の留保を放棄することに決めました。彼は武士の最初の訪問の時から起こったことすべてを話しました。
36 The priest said:—
36 祭司は言った。
37 “Hōïchi, my poor friend, you are now in great danger! How unfortunate that you did not tell me all this before! Your wonderful skill in music has indeed brought you into strange trouble. By this time you must be aware that you have not been visiting any house whatever, but have been passing your nights in the cemetery, among the tombs of the Heiké;—and it was before the memorial-tomb of Antoku Tennō that our people to-night found you, sitting in the rain. All that you have been imagining was illusion—except the calling of the dead. By once obeying them, you have put yourself in their power. If you obey them again, after what has already occurred, they will tear you in pieces. But they would have destroyed you, sooner or later, in any event… Now I shall not be able to remain with you to-night: I am called away to perform another service. But, before I go, it will be necessary to protect your body by writing holy texts upon it.”
37 「芳一、我が可哀想な友よ、あなたは今大変な危険にさらされています!あなたがこれまで私にすべてを教えてくれなかったのは、なんと残念なことでしょう!あなたの素晴らしい音楽の才能は、確かにあなたを奇妙なトラブルに巻き込みました。この時までに、あなたはどこの家にも訪れておらず、墓地、平家の墓の中で夜を過ごしていたことに気づいているに違いありません。 -夜、雨の中に座っているあなたを見つけました。あなたが想像してきたのは幻想だけだった――死者の呼び声を除いて。一度彼らに従うことで、あなたは彼らの力に身を置くことになります。もう一度従うと、すでに起こったことの後で、彼らはあなたをバラバラに引き裂くでしょう。しかし、遅かれ早かれ、いずれにせよ、彼らはあなたを滅ぼしていたでしょう… 今晩、私はあなたと一緒にいることはできません。しかし、私が行く前に、神聖なテキストを書いてあなたの体を保護する必要があります.
38 Before sundown the priest and his acolyte stripped Hōïchi: then, with their writing-brushes, they traced upon his breast and back, head and face and neck, limbs and hands and feet,—even upon the soles of his feet, and upon all parts of his body,—the text of the holy sûtra called _Hannya-Shin-Kyō_.[7] When this had been done, the priest instructed Hōïchi, saying:—
38 日没前に、僧侶と従者は芳一の衣服を脱ぎ、筆で胸と背中、頭と顔と首、四肢と手と足、足の裏、彼の体のすべての部分—般若心経と呼ばれる経典のテキスト[7]。これが終わると、僧侶は芳一に次のように指示した。
39 “To-night, as soon as I go away, you must seat yourself on the verandah, and wait. You will be called. But, whatever may happen, do not answer, and do not move. Say nothing and sit still—as if meditating. If you stir, or make any noise, you will be torn asunder. Do not get frightened; and do not think of calling for help—because no help could save you. If you do exactly as I tell you, the danger will pass, and you will have nothing more to fear.”
39 「今夜、私が出かけたらすぐにベランダに座って待っていてください。あなたは呼ばれます。しかし、何があっても答えず、動かないでください。瞑想するように、何も言わずにじっと座ってください。かき混ぜたり、音を立てたりすると、バラバラに引き裂かれます。怖がらないでください。助けを呼ぼうとは思わないでください。私の言う通りにすれば、危険は過ぎ去り、もう何も恐れることはありません。」
40 After dark the priest and the acolyte went away; and Hōïchi seated himself on the verandah, according to the instructions given him. He laid his biwa on the planking beside him, and, assuming the attitude of meditation, remained quite still,—taking care not to cough, or to breathe audibly. For hours he stayed thus.
40 暗くなってから、祭司と祭司は立ち去った。芳一は指示に従ってベランダに腰を下ろした。彼はそばの厚板の上に琵琶を置き、瞑想の姿勢を取り、咳や呼吸が聞こえないように気をつけながら、じっとしていました。何時間も彼はこうしていた。