
21 “Have you come to ask me for your mortar? I broke it to pieces, and now I am making a fire of the wood, for when I tried to pound cakes in it only some horrid smelling stuff came out.”
21 「迫撃砲を求めに来たのですか。私はそれを粉々に壊し、今は薪で火を起こしています。その中でケーキをパウンドしようとしたとき、恐ろしいにおいのするものしか出てこなかったからです。」
22 The good old man said:
22 老人は言った。
23 “I am very sorry for that. It is a great pity you did not ask me for the cakes if you wanted them. I would have given you as many as ever you wanted. Now please give me the ashes of the mortar, as I wish to keep them in remembrance of my dog.”
23 大変申し訳ございません。ケーキが欲しいなら頼まなかったのはとても残念です。私はあなたが望む限り多くをあなたに与えたでしょう。犬の記念に残しておきたいので、モルタルの灰をください。」
24 The neighbor consented at once, and the old man carried home a basket full of ashes.
24 隣人はすぐに同意し、老人はかごいっぱいの灰を家に持ち帰りました。
25 Not long after this the old man accidentally scattered some of the ashes made by the burning of the mortar on the trees of his garden. A wonderful thing happened!
25 この後間もなく、老人はモルタルを燃やしてできた灰の一部を誤って庭の木々にまき散らした。素晴らしいことが起こりました!
26 It was late in autumn and all the trees had shed their leaves, but no sooner did the ashes touch their branches than the cherry trees, the plum trees, and all other blossoming shrubs burst into bloom, so that the old man’s garden was suddenly transformed into a beautiful picture of spring. The old man’s delight knew no bounds, and he carefully preserved the remaining ashes.
26 晩秋になり、すべての木が葉を落としましたが、灰が枝に触れるとすぐに、桜、梅、その他すべての開花低木が咲き始めました。春の美しい絵に大変身。老人の喜びは際限がなく、残りの遺灰を注意深く保管しました。
27 The story of the old man’s garden spread far and wide, and people from far and near came to see the wonderful sight.
27 老人の庭の話は広く広まり、遠くからも近くからも人々がその素晴らしい光景を見に来た。
28 One day, soon after this, the old man heard some one knocking at his door, and going to the porch to see who it was he was surprised to see a Knight standing there. This Knight told him that he was a retainer of a great Daimio (Earl); that one of the favorite cherry trees in this nobleman’s garden had withered, and that though every one in his service had tried all manner of means to revive it, none took effect. The Knight was sore perplexed when he saw what great displeasure the loss of his favorite cherry tree caused the Daimio. At this point, fortunately, they had heard that there was a wonderful old man who could make withered trees to blossom, and that his Lord had sent him to ask the old man to come to him.
28 ある日、この直後、老人は誰かがドアをノックするのを聞いて、それが誰であるかを確認するためにポーチに行くと、そこに騎士が立っているのを見て驚いた。この騎士は、彼が偉大な大名(伯爵)の家臣であると彼に話しました。この貴族の庭のお気に入りの桜の木の 1 つが枯れ、彼の奉仕者全員がそれを復活させるためにあらゆる方法を試みましたが、効果はありませんでした。騎士は、お気に入りの桜の木を失ったことで大名がどんなに不快な思いをしたかを見て、ひどく困惑しました。この時点で幸いなことに、彼らは、枯れた木に花を咲かせることができる素晴らしい老人がいて、彼の主が老人に彼のところに来るように頼むために彼を送ったと聞いていました。
29 “And,” added the Knight, “I shall be very much obliged if you will come at once.”
29 「そして」と騎士は付け加えた。
30 The good old man was greatly surprised at what he heard, but respectfully followed the Knight to the nobleman’s Palace.
30 善良な老人は聞いたことに非常に驚いたが、敬意を表して騎士の後を追って貴族の宮殿に向かった。
31 The Daimio, who had been impatiently awaiting the old man’s coming, as soon as he saw him asked him at once:
31 おじいさんが来るのを待ちわびていた大名は、おじいさんを見るとすぐにこう尋ねました。
32 “Are you the old man who can make withered trees flower even out of season?”
33 The old man made an obeisance, and replied:
33 老人は敬意を表し、こう答えた。
34 “I am that old man!”
35 Then the Daimio said:
35 すると大名は言った。
36 “You must make that dead cherry tree in my garden blossom again by means of your famous ashes. I shall look on.”
36 「あなたは、あなたの有名な遺灰によって、私の庭の枯れた桜の木を再び咲かせなければなりません。見守ります。」
37 Then they all went into the garden—the Daimio and his retainers and the ladies-in waiting, who carried the Daimio’s sword.
37 それから、大名とその家来たち、大名の剣を持った侍女たちと、みな庭にはいった。
38 The old man now tucked up his kimono and made ready to climb the tree. Saying “Excuse me,” he took the pot of ashes which he had brought with him, and began to climb the tree, every one watching his movements with great interest.
38 老人は着物をたくし上げ、木に登る準備をした。 「すみません」と言って、彼は持ってきた灰のつぼを持って木に登り始めました。
39 At last he climbed to the spot where the tree divided into two great branches, and taking up his position here, the old man sat down and scattered the ashes right and left all over the branches and twigs.
39 とうとう彼は、木が 2 つの大きな枝に分かれた場所に登り、ここに腰を下ろして座って、枝や小枝全体に灰を左右にまき散らした。
40 Wonderful, indeed, was the result! The withered tree at once burst into full bloom! The Daimio was so transported with joy that he looked as if he would go mad. He rose to his feet and spread out his fan, calling the old man down from the tree. He himself gave the old man a wine cup filled with the best SAKE, and rewarded him with much silver and gold and many other precious things. The Daimio ordered that henceforth the old man should call himself by the name of Hana-Saka-Jijii, or “The Old Man who makes the Trees to Blossom,” and that henceforth all were to recognize him by this name, and he sent him home with great honor.
40 本当に素晴らしい結果でした!枯れ木が一気に満開!大名は狂喜しすぎて気が狂いそうになりました。彼は立ち上がって扇子を広げ、老人を木から降ろした。彼自身、最高の酒で満たされたワインカップを老人に与え、多くの銀と金と他の多くの貴重なもので彼に報酬を与えました.大名は、翁に今後は花坂じじい、つまり「木を咲かせる翁」と名乗るよう命じ、今後はこの名前で彼を認識させるよう命じ、彼を遣わした。栄誉ある家に帰ります。