
81 “O please make haste and pull it out!” cried the TAI, pitifully, for he felt the pains in his throat coming on again; “I do so want to return the hook to the Mikoto.”
81「おお、はやく抜いてください!」喉の痛みがまた襲ってくるのを感じたからです。 「どうしてもミコトにフックを返したい」
82 “All right, TAI SAN,” said his friend the cuttlefish, and then opening the TAI’S mouth as wide as he could and putting one of his feelers down the TAI’S throat, he quickly and easily drew the hook out of the sufferer’s large mouth. He then washed it and brought it to the King.
82 「よし、タイさん」と彼の友人のコウイカは言い、タイの口をできるだけ大きく開けて、触手の 1 つをタイの喉に突き刺し、患者の大きな口からすばやく簡単にフックを引き抜きました。 .それから彼はそれを洗い、王様に持ってきました。
83 Ryn Jin took the hook from his subject, and then respectfully returned it to the Happy Hunter (the Mikoto or Augustness, the fishes called him), who was overjoyed at getting back his hook. He thanked Ryn Jin many times, his face beaming with gratitude, and said that he owed the happy ending of his quest to the Sea King’s wise authority and kindness.
83 リン・ジンは被験者から釣り針を取り、それを幸せなハンター(ミコトまたはオーガスネス、魚は彼と呼んだ)に丁重に返した。彼は何度もリン・ジンに感謝の意を表し、彼の顔は感謝の気持ちで輝いていました。彼の探求がハッピーエンドになったのは海の王の賢明な権威と優しさのおかげだと言いました。
84 Ryn Jin now desired to punish the TAI, but the Happy Hunter begged him not to do so; since his lost hook was thus happily recovered he did not wish to make more trouble for the poor TAI. It was indeed the TAI who had taken the hook, but he had already suffered enough for his fault, if fault it could be called. What had been done was done in heedlessness and not by intention. The Happy Hunter said he blamed himself; if he had understood how to fish properly he would never have lost his hook, and therefore all this trouble had been caused in the first place by his trying to do something which he did not know how to do. So he begged the Sea King to forgive his subject.
84 Ryn Jin は TAI を罰したいと思ったが、Happy Hunter は彼にそうしないように頼んだ。彼の失ったフックはこのようにして喜んで回復したので、彼は貧しいTAIにこれ以上迷惑をかけたくありませんでした.フックを取ったのは確かにTAIだったが、彼はすでに彼の過ち、それが過失と呼ぶことができるならば、十分に苦しんでいた.行われたことは、故意ではなく、不注意で行われました。ハッピーハンターは自分を責めたと言いました。釣り方を正しく理解していれば、釣り針をなくすことはなかっただろう。それで彼は海の王に彼の主題を許すように頼みました.
85 Who could resist the pleading of so wise and compassionate a judge? Ryn Jin forgave his subject at once at the request of his august guest. The TAI was so glad that he shook his fins for joy, and he and all the other fish went out from the presence of their King, praising the virtues of the Happy Hunter.
85 これほど賢明で思いやりのある裁判官の嘆願に誰が抵抗できるでしょうか。リン・ジンは、8月のゲストの要請で、すぐに彼の主題を許しました.タイはとてもうれしくてヒレを振って喜びました。彼と他のすべての魚は、ハッピー ハンターの美徳をたたえながら、王様の前から出て行きました。
86 Now that the hook was found the Happy Hunter had nothing to keep him in Ryn Gu, and he was anxious to get back to his own kingdom and to make peace with his angry brother, the Skillful Fisher; but the Sea King, who had learnt to love him and would fain have kept him as a son, begged him not to go so soon, but to make the Sea Palace his home as long as ever he liked. While the Happy Hunter was still hesitating, the two lovely Princesses, Tayotama and Tamayori, came, and with the sweetest of bows and voices joined with their father in pressing him to stay, so that without seeming ungracious he could not say them “Nay,” and was obliged to stay on for some time.
86 フックが見つかったので、幸せなハンターは彼をリュングーにとどめるものが何もなく、彼は自分の王国に戻り、怒っている兄弟である熟練した漁師と和解することを切望していました。しかし、彼を愛することを学んだ海の王様は、彼を息子のように保ちたいと思っていたので、すぐに行くのではなく、好きなだけ海の宮殿を自分の家にするように彼に懇願しました。ハッピーハンターがまだためらっている間に、タヨタマとタマヨリの 2 人の愛らしい姫がやってきて、とても甘いお辞儀と声で父親と一緒になって留まるように迫りました。 」 そして、しばらく滞在する義務がありました。
87 Between the Sea Realm and the Earth there was no difference in the night of time, and the Happy Hunter found that three years went fleeting quickly by in this delightful land. The years pass swiftly when any one is truly happy. But though the wonders of that enchanted land seemed to be new every day, and though the Sea King’s kindness seemed rather to increase than to grow less with time, the Happy Hunter grew more and more homesick as the days passed, and he could not repress a great anxiety to know what had happened to his home and his country and his brother while he had been away.
87 海の王国と地球の間に夜の時間の違いはなく、ハッピー ハンターは、この楽しい土地で 3 年間があっという間に過ぎ去ったことに気付きました。誰でも本当に幸せな年月はあっという間に過ぎていきます。しかし、その魅惑的な土地の驚異は毎日新しいように見え、海の王様の優しさは時間とともに減少するのではなくむしろ増加しているように見えましたが、ハッピーハンターは日が経つにつれてますますホームシックになり、彼は抑えることができませんでした.彼が留守の間に彼の家、彼の国、そして彼の兄弟に何が起こったのかを知ることへの大きな不安。
88 So at last he went to the Sea King and said:
88 ついに彼は海の王のところへ行き、こう言いました。
89 “My stay with you here has been most happy and I am very grateful to you for all your kindness to me, but I govern Japan, and, delightful as this place is, I cannot absent myself forever from my country. I must also return the fishing hook to my brother and ask his forgiveness for having deprived him of it for so long. I am indeed very sorry to part from you, but this time it cannot be helped. With your gracious permission, I will take my leave to-day. I hope to make you another visit some day. Please give up the idea of my staying longer now.”
89 「あなたとのここでの滞在はとても幸せでした。あなたが私にしてくれたすべての親切にとても感謝していますが、私は日本を統治しています。そして、この場所は素晴らしいので、私は自分の国から永遠に離れることはできません.また、釣り針を兄に返し、長い間彼から釣り針を奪われたことを許しを請わなければなりません。お別れは本当に残念ですが、この度はやむを得ません。あなたのご厚意により、本日はお休みをいただきます。またのお越しをお待ちしております。もう長居するのはやめてください。」
90 King Ryn Jin was overcome with sorrow at the thought that he must lose his friend who had made a great diversion in the Palace of the Sea, and his tears fell fast as he answered:
91 “We are indeed very sorry to part with you, Mikoto, for we have enjoyed your stay with us very much. You have been a noble and honored guest and we have heartily made you welcome. I quite understand that as you govern Japan you ought to be there and not here, and that it is vain for us to try and keep you longer with us, much as we would like to have you stay. I hope you will not forget us. Strange circumstances have brought us together and I trust the friendship thus begun between the Land and the Sea will last and grow stronger than it has ever been before.”
91 「ミコトさんとのお別れは本当に残念です。あなたの滞在はとても楽しかったです。あなたは高貴で名誉あるゲストであり、私たちは心からあなたを歓迎しました.あなたが日本を統治するとき、あなたはここにいるべきではなく、そこにいるべきであり、私たちがあなたに滞在してもらいたいと思っているのと同じように、あなたを私たちと一緒に長くとどまらせようとするのは無駄であることを私はよく理解しています.私たちを忘れないでください。奇妙な状況が私たちを結びつけ、このようにして始まった陸と海の間の友情は持続し、これまで以上に強くなると信じています。」
92 When the Sea King had finished speaking he turned to his two daughters and bade them bring him the two Tide-Jewels of the Sea. The two Princesses bowed low, rose and glided out of the hall. In a few minutes they returned, each one carrying in her hands a flashing gem which filled the room with light. As the Happy Hunter looked at them he wondered what they could be. The Sea King took them from his daughters and said to his guest:
92 海の王は話し終えると、二人の娘に向きを変え、海の潮の宝石を二つ持ってくるように命じた。二人の王女は低くお辞儀をし、立ち上がってホールから滑り出しました.数分で彼らは戻ってきて、それぞれが部屋を光で満たす点滅する宝石を手に持っていました.ハッピー ハンターは彼らを見て、一体何者なのだろうと思いました。海の王様は娘たちからそれらを受け取り、ゲストに言いました:
93 “These two valuable talismans we have inherited from our ancestors from time immemorial. We now give them to you as a parting gift in token of our great affection for you. These two gems are called the nanjiu and the kanjiu.”
93 「私たちが太古の昔から先祖から受け継いできたこの 2 つの貴重なお守り。私たちは今、あなたへの大きな愛情のしるしとして、別れの贈り物としてそれらをあなたに贈ります.この二つの宝石は、南珠と干珠と呼ばれています。」
94 The Happy Hunter bowed low to the ground and said:
94 ハッピーハンターは地面に低く頭を下げて言った:
95 “I can never thank you enough for all your kindness to me. And now will you add one more favor to the rest and tell me what these jewels are and what I am to do with them?”
95 「私に対するあなたの親切に感謝してもしきれません。そして、残りにもう1つお願いをして、これらの宝石が何であるか、そして私がそれらをどうするか教えてくれませんか?」
96 “The nanjiu,” answered the Sea King, “is also called the Jewel of the Flood Tide, and whoever holds it in his possession can command the sea to roll in and to flood the land at any time that he wills. The kanjiu is also called the Jewel of the Ebbing Tide, and this gem controls the sea and the waves thereof, and will cause even a tidal wave to recede.”
96 海王は答えた、「南珠は大潮の宝石とも呼ばれ、それを手にした者は誰でも、海に命じて、いつでも意のままに陸地を氾濫させることができる。干潮は干潮の玉とも呼ばれ、海とその波を司り、津波さえも退かせる玉である。」
97 Then Ryn Jin showed his friend how to use the talismans one by one and handed them to him. The Happy Hunter was very glad to have these two wonderful gems, the Jewel of the Flood Tide and the Jewel of the Ebbing Tide, to take back with him, for he felt that they would preserve him in case of danger from enemies at any time. After thanking his kind host again and again, he prepared to depart. The Sea King and the two Princesses, Tayotama and Tamayori, and all the inmates of the Palace, came out to say “Good-by,” and before the sound of the last farewell had died away the Happy Hunter passed out from under the gateway, past the well of happy memory standing in the shade of the great KATSURA trees on his way to the beach.
97 それからリン・ジンは友人にタリスマンの使い方を一つ一つ教えて、彼に手渡した。幸せな狩人は、この 2 つの素晴らしい宝石、大潮の宝石と引き潮の宝石を持って帰ることができてとてもうれしかったです。 .親切なホストに何度も感謝した後、彼は出発の準備をしました。海王とタヨタマとタマヨリの二人の姫、そして宮殿のすべての囚人が「さようなら」と言って出てきて、最後の別れの音が消える前に、ハッピーハンターは門の下から気絶した、海辺に向かう途中、桂の大樹の木陰に立っている幸せな思い出の井戸を通り過ぎました。
98 Here he found, instead of the queer basket on which he had come to the Realm of Ryn Gu, a large crocodile waiting for him. Never had he seen such a huge creature. It measured eight fathoms in length from the tip of its tail to the end of its long mouth. The Sea King had ordered the monster to carry the Happy Hunter back to Japan. Like the wonderful basket which Shiwozuchino Okina had made, it could travel faster than any steamboat, and in this strange way, riding on the back of a crocodile, the Happy Hunter returned to his own land.
98 ここで彼は、Ryn Gu の領域に来た奇妙なバスケットの代わりに、大きなワニが彼を待っているのを見つけました。彼はそのような巨大な生き物を見たことがありませんでした。尻尾の先から長い口の先までの長さは八尋。海王は怪物に命じてハッピーハンターを日本に連れて帰った。しをづちの翁が作った素晴らしいかごのように、どんな蒸気船よりも速く移動することができ、この奇妙な方法でワニの背中に乗って、ハッピー ハンターは自分の土地に戻りました。
99 As soon as the crocodile landed him, the Happy Hunter hastened to tell the Skillful Fisher of his safe return. He then gave him back the fishing hook which had been found in the mouth of the TAI and which had been the cause of so much trouble between them. He earnestly begged his brother’s forgiveness, telling him all that had happened to him in the Sea King’s Palace and what wonderful adventures had led to the finding of the hook.
99 クロコダイルが彼を着陸させるやいなや、ハッピーハンターは急いで巧みなフィッシャーに彼の安全な帰還を伝えました.それから彼は、TAI の口の中で見つかった釣り針を彼に返してくれました。彼は真剣に兄の許しを請い、海の王の宮殿で彼に起こったことすべてと、どんな素晴らしい冒険が釣り針の発見につながったかを話しました.
100 Now the Skillful Fisher had used the lost hook as an excuse for driving his brother out of the country. When his brother had left him that day three years ago, and had not returned, he had been very glad in his evil heart and had at once usurped his brother’s place as ruler of the land, and had become powerful and rich. Now in the midst of enjoying what did not belong to him, and hoping that his brother might never return to claim his rights, quite unexpectedly there stood the Happy Hunter before him.
100 巧みな釣り人は、失った釣り針を言い訳に兄を国外に追い出した。兄が三年前のあの日彼を去り、戻ってこなかったとき、彼はその邪悪な心を大いに喜び、すぐに国の支配者としての兄の地位を奪い、力強く豊かになりました。今、彼のものではないものを楽しんでいて、彼の兄弟が自分の権利を主張するために二度と戻ってこないことを望んでいる最中に、まったく予想外に、ハッピーハンターが彼の前に立っていました.