
61 There was much gladness between the Sea King and the Happy Hunter, and they sat and talked for a long time. At last the Sea King clapped his hands, and then a huge retinue of fishes appeared, all robed in ceremonial garments, and bearing in their fins various trays on which all kinds of sea delicacies were served. A great feast was now spread before the King and his Royal guest. All the fishes-in-waiting were chosen from amongst the finest fish in the sea, so you can imagine what a wonderful array of sea creatures it was that waited upon the Happy Hunter that day. All in the Palace tried to do their best to please him and to show him that he was a much honored guest. During the long repast, which lasted for hours, Ryn Jin commanded his daughters to play some music, and the two Princesses came in and performed on the KOTO (the Japanese harp), and sang and danced in turns. The time passed so pleasantly that the Happy Hunter seemed to forget his trouble and why he had come at all to the Sea King’s Realm, and he gave himself up to the enjoyment of this wonderful place, the land of fairy fishes! Who has ever heard of such a marvelous place? But the Mikoto soon remembered what had brought him to Ryn Gu, and said to his host:
61 海の王様と幸せなハンターの間にはとても喜びがあり、彼らは座って長い間話しました。とうとう海の王様が手をたたくと、巨大な従者が現れました。すべて儀式用の衣服を着て、あらゆる種類の海の珍味を提供するさまざまなトレイをヒレに持っていました。王と彼の王室のゲストの前で、大きなごちそうが広げられました。待っているすべての魚は海で最高の魚の中から選ばれたので、その日ハッピーハンターを待っていたのがどんなに素晴らしい海の生き物だったか想像できます.宮殿の全員が彼を喜ばせ、彼が非常に名誉あるゲストであることを示すために最善を尽くしました.何時間にもわたる長い食事の間、リン・ジンは娘たちに音楽を演奏するように命じ、2人の王女が入ってきて箏(箏)を演奏し、歌ったり踊ったりしました。楽しい時間が過ぎたので、ハッピー ハンターは自分の苦労や海王の領域に来た理由を忘れてしまいました。こんなに素晴らしい場所のことを誰が聞いたことがありますか?しかし、美琴はすぐに彼を竜宮に連れて行った理由を思い出し、彼のホストに言った:
62 “Perhaps your daughters have told you, King Ryn Jin, that I have come here to try and recover my brother’s fishing hook, which I lost while fishing the other day. May I ask you to be so kind as to inquire of all your subjects if any of them have seen a fishing hook lost in the sea?”
62 「リンジン王よ、おそらくあなたの娘たちは、先日釣りをしているときに落とした弟の釣り針を取り戻そうとここに来たと言いました。海で釣り針をなくしたのを見た人がいないかどうか、あなたのすべての被験者に尋ねるように親切にお願いしてもよろしいですか?」
63 “Certainly,” said the obliging Sea King, “I will immediately summon them all here and ask them.”
63 「もちろんです」と親切な海の王は言いました。
64 As soon as he had issued his command, the octopus, the cuttlefish, the bonito, the oxtail fish, the eel, the jelly fish, the shrimp, and the plaice, and many other fishes of all kinds came in and sat down before Ryn Jin their King, and arranged themselves and their fins in order. Then the Sea King said solemnly:
64 彼が命令を下すとすぐに、タコ、イカ、カツオ、オックステールフィッシュ、ウナギ、クラゲ、エビ、カレイ、その他あらゆる種類の多くの魚が入ってきて、前に座った. Ryn Jin は彼らの王であり、彼ら自身と彼らのひれを順番に並べました。それから海の王は厳粛に言いました:
65 “Our visitor who is sitting before you all is the august grandson of Amaterasu. His name is Hohodemi, the fourth Augustness, and he is also called the Happy Hunter of the Mountains. While he was fishing the other day upon the shore of Japan, some one robbed him of his brother’s fishing hook. He has come all this way down to the bottom of the sea to our Kingdom because he thought that one of you fishes may have taken the hook from him in mischievous play. If any of you have done so you must immediately return it, or if any of you know who the thief is you must at once tell us his name and where he is now.”
65 「皆さんの前に座っているお客様は、アマテラスの孫です。彼の名はホホデミ、第4オーガストネスで、山のハッピーハンターとも呼ばれています。彼が先日日本の海岸で釣りをしていると、何者かが兄の釣り針を盗んだ。彼は、あなた方のうちの 1 匹がいたずらで彼から釣り針を奪ったのではないかと考えたので、私たちの王国まで海の底まではるばるやってきました。誰かがそうした場合は、すぐに返さなければなりません。または、泥棒が誰であるかを知っている人がいる場合は、すぐに彼の名前と彼が今どこにいるかを教えてください。」
66 All the fishes were taken by surprise when they heard these words, and could say nothing for some time. They sat looking at each other and at the Dragon King. At last the cuttlefish came forward and said:
66 魚たちは皆、この言葉を聞いて驚き、しばらく何も言えませんでした。彼らは座ってお互いを見つめ合い、竜王を見つめていました。とうとうイカが前に出て言った:
67 “I think the TAI (the red bream) must be the thief who has stolen the hook!”
67 「鯛は釣り針を盗んだ泥棒に違いない!」
68 “Where is your proof?” asked the King.
69 “Since yesterday evening the TAI has not been able to eat anything, and he seems to be suffering from a bad throat! For this reason I think the hook may be in his throat. You had better send for him at once!”
69 「タイは昨日の夕方から何も食べられず、喉が悪いようです!このため、フックが喉にある可能性があると思います。すぐに彼を呼びに行ったほうがいいよ!」
70 All the fish agreed to this, and said:
70 すべての魚はこれに同意し、こう言いました。
71 “It is certainly strange that the TAI is the only fish who has not obeyed your summons. Will you send for him and inquire into the matter. Then our innocence will be proved.”
71 「あなたの召喚に従わなかった魚がタイだけなのは確かに奇妙です。彼を呼びに行って、その件について調べてくれませんか。そうすれば、私たちの無実が証明されるでしょう。」
72 “Yes,” said the Sea King, “it is strange that the TAI has not come, for he ought to be the first to be here. Send for him at once!”
72 「そうです」と海の王は言いました。すぐに彼を送ってください!
73 Without waiting for the King’s order the cuttlefish had already started for the TAI’S dwelling, and he now returned, bringing the TAI with him. He led him before the King.
73 王の命令を待たずに、イカはすでにタイの住居に向けて出発しており、彼はタイを連れて戻ってきました。彼は王の前に彼を導きました。
74 The TAI sat there looking frightened and ill. He certainly was in pain, for his usually red face was pale, and his eyes were nearly closed and looked but half their usual size.
74 TAI はそこに座っておびえ、具合が悪そうに見えました。彼は確かに苦しんでいました。いつも赤い顔は青白く、目はほとんど閉じていて、いつもの半分の大きさにしか見えませんでした。
75 “Answer, O TAI!” cried the Sea King, “why did you not come in answer to my summons today?”
76 “I have been ill since yesterday,” answered the TAI; “that is why I could not come.”
76 「私は昨日から病気です」と TAI は答えた。 「だから来れなかった」
77 “Don’t say another word!” cried out Ryn Jin angrily. “Your illness is the punishment of the gods for stealing the Mikoto’s hook.”
77「何も言わないで!」リン・ジンは怒って叫んだ。 「お前の病気は、ミコトの釣り針を盗んだ神々の罰だ」
78 “It is only too true!” said the TAI; “the hook is still in my throat, and all my efforts to get it out have been useless. I can’t eat, and I can scarcely breathe, and each moment I feel that it will choke me, and sometimes it gives me great pain. I had no intention of stealing the Mikoto’s hook. I heedlessly snapped at the bait which I saw in the water, and the hook came off and stuck in my throat. So I hope you will pardon me.”
78「本当すぎる!」 TAIは言った。 「フックはまだ私の喉にあり、それを取り出そうとしたすべての努力は役に立たなかった.私は食べることができず、息もほとんどできず、そのたびに息が詰まると感じ、時には大きな痛みを感じます。ミコトのフックを盗むつもりはなかった。水中で見かけたエサを無造作にパチンと鳴らしたら、フックが外れて喉に刺さった。ですから、どうかお許しください。」
79 The cuttlefish now came forward, and said to the King:
79 イカが前に出てきて、王様に言いました。
80 “What I said was right. You see the hook still sticks in the TAI’S throat. I hope to be able to pull it out in the presence of the Mikoto, and then we can return it to him safely!”
80 「私の言ったことは正しかった。フックがまだタイの喉に突き刺さっているのがわかります。ミコト様の前で引き抜いて、無事にお返しできるといいですね!」