56 “Don’t be impertinent,” said the King, “and don’t look at me like that!” He got behind Alice as he spoke.
56 「生意気にならないで」と王様は言いました。彼はそう言いながらアリスの後ろについた。
57 “A cat may look at a king,” said Alice. “I’ve read that in some book, but I don’t remember where.”
57 「猫は王様を見るかもしれません」とアリスは言いました。 「何かの本で読んだことはあるが、どこにあるか覚えていない」
58 “Well, it must be removed,” said the King very decidedly, and he called the Queen, who was passing at the moment, “My dear! I wish you would have this cat removed!”
58 「まあ、取り除かなければなりません」と王様はきっぱりと言い、ちょうど通りかかった女王を呼びました。この猫を取り除いてほしい!」
59 The Queen had only one way of settling all difficulties, great or small. “Off with his head!” she said, without even looking round.
59 女王には、大小を問わず、すべての困難を解決する唯一の方法がありました。 「彼の頭をオフに !」彼女は振り返らずに言った。
60 “I’ll fetch the executioner myself,” said the King eagerly, and he hurried off.
60 「自分で処刑人を連れてこよう」と王様は熱心に言い、急いで立ち去りました。
61 Alice thought she might as well go back, and see how the game was going on, as she heard the Queen’s voice in the distance, screaming with passion. She had already heard her sentence three of the players to be executed for having missed their turns, and she did not like the look of things at all, as the game was in such confusion that she never knew whether it was her turn or not. So she went in search of her hedgehog.
61 アリスは、戻って試合の様子を見たほうがいいと思いました。遠くで女王の声が熱狂的に叫んでいるのが聞こえたからです。彼女はすでに 3 人のプレーヤーが順番を逃したために処刑されるという判決を聞いていましたが、ゲームが非常に混乱していたため、自分の番かどうかわからなかったので、物事の見た目がまったく好きではありませんでした。それで彼女はハリネズミを探しに行きました。
62 The hedgehog was engaged in a fight with another hedgehog, which seemed to Alice an excellent opportunity for croqueting one of them with the other: the only difficulty was, that her flamingo was gone across to the other side of the garden, where Alice could see it trying in a helpless sort of way to fly up into a tree.
62 はりねずみは別のはりねずみとけんかをしていましたが、これはアリスにとって、2 匹をもう 1 匹とクロケットする絶好の機会だと思われました。無力な方法で木に飛び込もうとしているのを見てください。
63 By the time she had caught the flamingo and brought it back, the fight was over, and both the hedgehogs were out of sight: “but it doesn’t matter much,” thought Alice, “as all the arches are gone from this side of the ground.” So she tucked it away under her arm, that it might not escape again, and went back for a little more conversation with her friend.
63 フラミンゴを捕まえて持ち帰る頃には、喧嘩は終わり、2 羽のはりねずみが見えなくなっていました。地面の側。」それで彼女はそれを脇の下に隠し、二度と逃げないようにしました.
64 When she got back to the Cheshire Cat, she was surprised to find quite a large crowd collected round it: there was a dispute going on between the executioner, the King, and the Queen, who were all talking at once, while all the rest were quite silent, and looked very uncomfortable.
64 彼女がチェシャ猫に戻ったとき、彼女はその周りに非常に大勢の人が集まっているのを見て驚いた。残りはかなり静かで、非常に不快に見えました。
65 The moment Alice appeared, she was appealed to by all three to settle the question, and they repeated their arguments to her, though, as they all spoke at once, she found it very hard indeed to make out exactly what they said.
65 アリスが現れた瞬間、彼女は 3 人全員からこの問題を解決するよう訴えられました。
66 The executioner’s argument was, that you couldn’t cut off a head unless there was a body to cut it off from: that he had never had to do such a thing before, and he wasn’t going to begin at _his_ time of life.
66 死刑執行人の主張は、首を切り落とす体がない限り、首を切り落とすことはできないということでした。生活。
67 The King’s argument was, that anything that had a head could be beheaded, and that you weren’t to talk nonsense.
67 王様の主張は、頭のあるものは何でも斬首することができ、ナンセンスなことを言ってはならないというものでした。
68 The Queen’s argument was, that if something wasn’t done about it in less than no time she’d have everybody executed, all round. (It was this last remark that had made the whole party look so grave and anxious.)
68 女王の主張は、それについて何かがすぐに行われなければ、彼女は全員を処刑するだろうというものでした. (パーティー全体をとても深刻で不安にさせたのは、この最後の発言でした。)
69 Alice could think of nothing else to say but “It belongs to the Duchess: you’d better ask _her_ about it.”
69 アリスは、「それは公爵夫人のものです。彼女に聞いた方がいいでしょう」という以外に何も言うことができませんでした。
70 “She’s in prison,” the Queen said to the executioner: “fetch her here.” And the executioner went off like an arrow.
70 「彼女は刑務所にいる」と女王は死刑執行人に言った:「彼女をここに連れてきてください」.そして処刑人は矢のように去って行った。
71 The Cat’s head began fading away the moment he was gone, and, by the time he had come back with the Duchess, it had entirely disappeared; so the King and the executioner ran wildly up and down looking for it, while the rest of the party went back to the game.