韓国では犬を食べていたことを知っていた? 日記 A bill that banned raising dogs for food was passed in the South Korean parliament. I was shocked to learn tha […] 続きを読む
中山きんにくんの英語勉強法 日記 Kinnikun Nakayama, a famous Japanese comedian, explained the important points of studying English on YouTube. […] 続きを読む
最近のコロナ 日記 Yesterday, I mentioned that I received the COVID-19 vaccine. Regarding COVID-19 in Japan, since the classifica […] 続きを読む
喫茶店を潰したのは私たち? 日記 Nearly 50 years ago, when I was a high school student, there was a coffee shop I usually frequented. It was op […] 続きを読む
大谷翔平の雪像 日記 The other day, I wrote about my visit to the snow festival on this timeline. I mentioned that the large snow s […] 続きを読む
雪祭りに行ってきた 日記 Today, I attended the Sapporo Snow Festival, marking the first time in 10 years. It’s funny how we often […] 続きを読む
今日は7回目のコロナワクチンを打ってきた 日記 Today, I received my seventh dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. In Japan, the cost of the vaccine is publicly funde […] 続きを読む
73歳の女が48歳の架空の妹に成りすまして、保険証をだまし取った容疑で逮捕された。 日記 A 73-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of defrauding her insurance card by pretending to be her fictiti […] 続きを読む