キャラクターと恋愛する人 日記 In Japan, there is a growing trend of people falling in love with characters. There’s even a term for su […] 続きを読む
ボロボロ財布で運気UP 日記 My wallet is in tatters. I’ve been using it for 20 years. Though my wife suggested I buy a new one, I wa […] 続きを読む
座って小用を足す男性 日記 In Japan, it seems that 60% of men sit down to pee. They say the younger they are, the more likely they are to […] 続きを読む
国内旅行もバカ高い 日記 My hobby is traveling. The other day I went to Vietnam for sightseeing. Since my wife isn’t interested i […] 続きを読む
日本に油田はないが、代わりにこんなものがあった 日記 Japan cannot produce crude oil. To be precise, it is produced to a small extent in areas around Akita Prefectu […] 続きを読む
姉のアメリカ旅行 日記 The other day, I visited my older sister. She had been talking about her trip to the USA last year. She mentio […] 続きを読む
このGOODSがあればもうバッテリーは上がらない 日記 The other day, I wrote a story about the death of a battery. I never want my battery to die. So, I bought a ba […] 続きを読む
小平町で教育長を公募している 日記 Although I currently live in Sapporo City, I lived in Obira-cho until the third grade of elementary school. Ob […] 続きを読む
車のタイヤ交換中にエンジンをかけるなんてありうる? 日記 This is a story about the time I had my car’s tire changed by the manufacturer. While watching the tire […] 続きを読む
車のバッテリーをネットで買った 日記 I bought a car battery online. The battery that died the other day was only a year old. Although it was an exp […] 続きを読む