飛行機のリクライニングシートは倒すのが正解 日記 Do you recline your seat on an airplane? Most Japanese people never recline their seats when flying on domesti […] 続きを読む
運は公平か? 日記 There is a saying that in life, our total amount of good luck is predetermined. So, I have been thinking that […] 続きを読む
動画配信中の女性が熱烈のファンだった男に刺殺された 日記 A woman was murdered with a knife by a devoted male fan while she was streaming a live video. This murderer ha […] 続きを読む
恥をかいた 日記 This is an embarrassing story. When I went to the grocery store, the items from the newspaper flyer were not a […] 続きを読む
母の奇妙な自然食品レストラン 日記 Since my mother was obsessed with natural food, she opened a natural food restaurant, but no customers came at […] 続きを読む
母の奇妙な自然食品レストラン 日記 Everyone knew it was obvious the restaurant would fail. Because there were no elements for success. I wonder w […] 続きを読む
母の奇妙な自然食品レストラン 日記 The other day, I wrote about how my mother was devoted to natural foods. Her obsession with natural foods was […] 続きを読む
遺産相続の争族 日記 The other day, I wrote about inheritance on HelloTalk. After all, the Judicial Clerk said that in the past, th […] 続きを読む
札幌の思いがけない大雪と運勢 日記 We had little snow this year in December and January in Sapporo City. I thought it would end as it was, but it […] 続きを読む
本を買って失敗した 日記 I failed. Today, I went to the bookstore and bought a book about how to study foreign languages on impulse. Th […] 続きを読む