
21 �gYou must stay quietly here, for you are my guest.�h Then she left him and went out.
21 「あなたは私の客だから、静かにここにいなさい。」それから彼女は彼を残して出て行った。
22 In a minute she came back and said:
22 すぐに彼女は戻ってきて言った。
23 �gYou must sit where you are and not move, and whatever happens don�ft go near or look into the inner room. Now mind what I tell you!�h
23 「あなたはその場に座って動かないようにしなければなりません。何が起こっても、奥の部屋に近づいたり、覗いたりしてはいけません。」さて、私があなたに言うことを気にしてください!
24 �gIf you tell me not to go near the back room, of course I won�ft,�h said the priest, rather bewildered.
24 「奥の部屋に近づかないように言われたら、もちろん断ります」と司祭はやや困惑して言った。
25 The old woman then went out again, and the priest was left alone. The fire had died out, and the only light in the hut was that of a dim lantern. For the first time that night he began to feel that he was in a weird place, and the old woman�fs words, �gWhatever you do don�ft peep into the back room,�h aroused his curiosity and his fear.
25 すると、おばあさんはまた出て行ったので、祭司だけが残されました。火は消え、小屋の明かりは薄暗いランタンの光だけでした。その夜、彼は初めて自分が変な場所にいると感じ始め、老婆の「何をしても奥の部屋をのぞくな」という言葉が彼の好奇心と恐怖をかき立てた。
26 What hidden thing could be in that room that she did not wish him to see? For some time the remembrance of his promise to the old woman kept him still, but at last he could no longer resist his curiosity to peep into the forbidden place.
26 彼女が彼に見られたくない、その部屋に隠されているものは何でしょうか?しばらくの間、老婆との約束を思い出してじっとしていましたが、ついに彼は禁じられた場所をのぞき見したいという好奇心を抑えることができなくなりました。
27 He got up and began to move slowly towards the back room. Then the thought that the old woman would be very angry with him if he disobeyed her made him come back to his place by the fireside.
27 彼は起き上がり、奥の部屋に向かってゆっくりと動き始めました。それから、おばあさんが言うことをきかないととても怒るだろうと思って、おばあさんは暖炉のそばの自分の場所に戻ってきました。
28 As the minutes went slowly by and the old woman did not return, he began to feel more and more frightened, and to wonder what dreadful secret was in the room behind him. He must find out.
28 議事録がゆっくりと過ぎ、おばあさんが戻ってこなかったので、おばあさんはますますおびえ始め、後ろの部屋にはどんな恐ろしい秘密が隠されているのだろうと思い始めました。彼は見つけなければなりません。
29 �gShe will not know that I have looked unless I tell her. I will just have a peep before she comes back,�h said the man to himself.
29 私が彼女に言わない限り、彼女は私が見たことを知らないだろう.彼女が戻ってくる前にちょっとのぞいてみよう、と男は独り言を言った。
30 With these words he got up on his feet (for he had been sitting all this time in Japanese fashion with his feet under him) and stealthily crept towards the forbidden spot. With trembling hands he pushed back the sliding door and looked in. What he saw froze the blood in his veins. The room was full of dead men�fs bones and the walls were splashed and the floor was covered with human blood. In one corner skull upon skull rose to the ceiling, in another was a heap of arm bones, in another a heap of leg bones. The sickening smell made him faint. He fell backwards with horror, and for some time lay in a heap with fright on the floor, a pitiful sight. He trembled all over and his teeth chattered, and he could hardly crawl away from the dreadful spot.
30 これらの言葉で彼は立ち上がって(彼はずっと日本式に足を下にして座っていたからです)、立ち入り禁止の場所に向かってこっそりと忍び寄りました。彼は震える手で襖を押し戻し、中をのぞき込んだ。部屋は死んだ男の骨でいっぱいで、壁は飛び散り、床は人間の血で覆われていました。ある隅では頭骨が天井まで伸び、別の隅には腕の骨の山があり、別の隅には脚の骨の山がありました。不快な臭いが彼を気絶させた.彼は恐怖で後ろ向きに倒れ、しばらくの間、恐怖で床に山積みになり、哀れな姿になりました。彼は体中が震え、歯がガタガタと音を立て、その恐ろしい場所からほとんど這い上がることができませんでした。
31 �gHow horrible!�h he cried out. �gWhat awful den have I come to in my travels? May Buddha help me or I am lost. Is it possible that that kind old woman is really the cannibal goblin? When she comes back she will show herself in her true character and eat me up at one mouthful!�h
31 「なんて恐ろしい!」彼は叫んだ。旅の途中で私が訪れた恐ろしい巣穴は何ですか?仏陀が私を助けてくれますように。あの優しいおばあさんが人食いゴブリンなのだろうか?彼女が戻ってきたら本性を現して、私を一口で食べてしまいます!
32 With these words his strength came back to him and, snatching up his hat and staff, he rushed out of the house as fast as his legs could carry him. Out into the night he ran, his one thought to get as far as he could from the goblin�fs haunt. He had not gone far when he heard steps behind him and a voice crying: �gStop! stop!�h
32 これらの言葉で彼は力を取り戻し、帽子と杖を奪い、足が彼を運ぶのと同じ速さで家を飛び出しました.彼は夜遅くまで走り、ゴブリンの巣からできるだけ遠くまで逃げようと考えました。彼が遠くに行ったとき、後ろから足音が聞こえ、「やめて!」と叫ぶ声が聞こえました。ストップ!
33 He ran on, redoubling his speed, pretending not to hear. As he ran he heard the steps behind him come nearer and nearer, and at last he recognized the old woman�fs voice which grew louder and louder as she came nearer.
33 彼は、聞こえないふりをして、スピードを倍増させながら走り続けた。走っていると、後ろの足音がどんどん近づいてくるのが聞こえた。そしてついに彼は老婆の声が近づいてくるのに気がついた。
34 �gStop! stop, you wicked man, why did you look into the forbidden room?�h
34 やめろ!やめろ、悪人よ、どうして禁断の部屋をのぞいたの?
35 The priest quite forgot how tired he was and his feet flew over the ground faster than ever. Fear gave him strength, for he knew that if the goblin caught him he would soon be one of her victims. With all his heart he repeated the prayer to Buddha:
35 僧侶は自分がどれだけ疲れていたかをすっかり忘れていて、足が地面を飛ぶ速度がかつてない速さでした。恐怖が彼に力を与えた。なぜなら、ゴブリンが彼を捕まえたら、彼はすぐに彼女の犠牲者の一人になるだろうと知っていた.彼は心を込めてブッダへの祈りを繰り返しました。
36 �gNamu Amida Butsu, Namu Amida Butsu.�h
36 南無阿弥陀仏、南無阿弥陀仏。
37 And after him rushed the dreadful old hag, her hair flying in the wind, and her face changing with rage into the demon that she was. In her hand she carried a large blood-stained knife, and she still shrieked after him, �gStop! stop!�h
37 そして、彼の後に恐るべき年老いたババアが突進し、彼女の髪は風になびき、彼女の顔は激怒して悪霊に変わりました。彼女は手に血のついた大きなナイフを持っていて、彼の後を追って「やめて!」と叫びました。ストップ!
38 At last, when the priest felt he could run no more, the dawn broke, and with the darkness of night the goblin vanished and he was safe. The priest now knew that he had met the Goblin of Adachigahara, the story of whom he had often heard but never believed to be true. He felt that he owed his wonderful escape to the protection of Buddha to whom he had prayed for help, so he took out his rosary and bowing his head as the sun rose he said his prayers and made his thanksgiving earnestly. He then set forward for another part of the country, only too glad to leave the haunted plain behind him.
38 とうとう、司祭がこれ以上走れなくなったと感じたとき、夜明けが訪れ、夜の闇とともにゴブリンは姿を消し、彼は無事でした。僧侶は今、足立ヶ原のゴブリンに会ったことを知っていました。その話はよく聞いていましたが、真実だとは信じていませんでした。彼は助けを求めて祈ったブッダの加護のおかげで素晴らしい脱出ができたと感じたので、数珠を取り出し、太陽が昇るにつれて頭を下げて祈りを捧げ、熱心に感謝を捧げました。それから彼は国の別の場所に向けて出発しました。