相続トラブルは思いがけず誰にでも起こり得るものなのだと実感した 日記 I have been thinking that trouble with inheritance is only on TV. But actually, I got involved in that. I lear […] 続きを読む
母の極端な自然食信仰 日記 When I was a child, my mother was elaborate in natural food. It was an abnormal elaboration. She believed comp […] 続きを読む
貧しかった子供時代と父の見えない苦労を思い出して 日記 When I was a child, I was poor. I realized my family had no money, but since we were always in that condition, […] 続きを読む
HelloTalkでのび太と名乗っている理由 日記 I name myself “Nobita” on HelloTalk. This name, Nobita, comes from the Japanese comic “Dorae […] 続きを読む
子供時代の衝撃的な思い出 日記 It was during my fifth-grade year in elementary school. When I returned home from school, I saw that my mother […] 続きを読む
太っていることを前向きに捉える新たな視点 日記 Let’s be glad for being fat. A fat person is very efficient. Let’s think of a car as an example. O […] 続きを読む
誤解を招くダイエット記事 日記 I read an article in a weekly magazine that made me feel foolish. The title was “The Diet Method That Ne […] 続きを読む
車を車検に出したら・・・ 日記 I am leaving my car at the dealer for a vehicle inspection. Ordinarily, it takes a day, so I thought it would […] 続きを読む
風呂上りは暖房を切れ 日記 Today I quarreled with my wife. Why she was mad is that I turned off the heater after taking a bath. She said […] 続きを読む