フジテレビ局が大変なことになっている 日記 The Fuji television station is in trouble. The talent got involved in a scandal involving drinks. They say the […] 続きを読む
不思議なことがあった 日記 I experienced a mystery thing. When I was about to get off the car while forgetting to lock the side brake, a […] 続きを読む
日本の国力が下がっていると言われて久しい 日記 It has been said for a while now that Japan’s national strength is declining. In the past, Japan was onc […] 続きを読む
日本語では内職という言葉がある 日記 There is a word in Japanese called “NAISYOKU.” It refers to a small-scale side job, often done at […] 続きを読む
僕は欲張り? 日記 I often go to the supermarket to buy cheap goods. Especially late at night, I usually buy side dishes with hal […] 続きを読む
ブログへのスパムアクセス 日記 Running my blog, a lot of unexpected things happen. The other day, I received an email from my server company. […] 続きを読む
今日は友人のパソコンを直した 日記 Today, I repaired my friend’s PC. The Excel software in the Office app had disappeared. Although I asked […] 続きを読む
ブログを運営しているサーバー 日記 I run my blog. It’s like a detailed version of the diary I write here; it is not something to show other […] 続きを読む
暖房費を節約する方法 日記 Because of the Ukraine war or the decreasing yen, the prices of gasoline and kerosene are increasing rapidly, […] 続きを読む
新年早々恥を書いた 日記 In this early new year, I felt ashamed. Although I had a vehicle inspection appointment, I had other matters t […] 続きを読む