今使っているパソコンが変わっている 日記 One of my hobbies is using a PC. The PC I’m using now is unusual. As you can see in the picture below, t […] 続きを読む
原書に挑戦 日記 I have been reading “In Order to Live” for a long time. If I read it in Japanese, it would take on […] 続きを読む
墓参りに行って来た 日記 Today is the end of Obon. Obon refers to August 13-15. In Japan, they say that during Obon, ancestors return t […] 続きを読む
今日は終戦記念日だ 日記 Today is the anniversary of the end of a war. When we hear “anniversary,” we usually think of a go […] 続きを読む
コロナが蔓延 日記 COVID-19 has changed its features, so if we are infected, the symptoms are not so bad. For this reason, we are […] 続きを読む
東京都知事選挙が終わった 日記 The Tokyo gubernatorial election has finally ended. As expected, Koike, the current governor, won. However, I […] 続きを読む
フィリピン語学留学に行きたいと思っている 日記 I am thinking of going to the Philippines to study English. Although I can only afford to be there for about t […] 続きを読む
in oder to live 日記 It has been a while since I posted on HelloTalk. The reason is I have been reading a book. The book I am readi […] 続きを読む
トランプ前大統領の狙撃事件 日記 The whole world is paying attention to the sniping incident where former President Donald Trump was shot. An e […] 続きを読む
僕は運動が苦手だ 日記 Since I am not good at playing sports, I don’t watch sports programs on TV often. But my wife is fond of […] 続きを読む