10月に国内旅行を計画している 日記 Since I could not travel due to the heat this summer, I am planning a domestic trip in October. The destinatio […] 続きを読む
除雪機を使い始めてから早7年が経つ 日記 It has been 7 years since I started using the Snow Remover. I have not changed the engine oil even once until […] 続きを読む
In oder to liveをキンドル翻訳機能を使い何とか読み終えた 日記 I managed to finish reading In Order to Live using the translation function on Kindle. My impression is that t […] 続きを読む
昨日の動物園に行ったという投稿の続きです 日記 This is an additional post to yesterday’s post. Today, I saw a picture my wife took, which included this […] 続きを読む
今日は動物園に行って来た 日記 Today, I went to the zoo. Although zoos are usually run by public management, this one is privately operated. […] 続きを読む
先日24時間テレビをやっていた 日記 The other day, a program named “24-Hour Broadcast” was aired on TV. This program is a flagship of […] 続きを読む
今日は妻に怒られた 日記 I was scolded by my wife today. My wife is a big fan of Snow Man. In Japan, “Snow Man” refers to a […] 続きを読む
ロストケアという映画をAmazonプライムで観た 日記 I watched a movie called “Lost Care” on Amazon Prime because it was recommended as very interestin […] 続きを読む
職業に貴賤はないということわざは正しいか 日記 There is a saying that there is no noble or lowly work. It means, as it reads, that no work is more precious o […] 続きを読む
旅行支援の石川割が再開された 日記 The national travel assistance program in Ishikawa Prefecture was restarted. Since a massive earthquake occurr […] 続きを読む