先日、知人から大量の魚が送られてきたため、隣人におすそ分けをした 日記 The other day, since my acquaintance sent me a lot of fish, my wife shared it with our neighbor. Then, she rec […] 続きを読む
このHelloTalkを使い始めてから、1年近くが経つ 日記 It has been nearly one year since I began using HelloTalk. As you all know, there are many ways to use it. I h […] 続きを読む
今真剣に仕事を止めようかどうか迷っている 日記 Now I am seriously considering whether to quit the job or not. The reason is that I don’t have confidenc […] 続きを読む
知り合いが漁業をしているので、たまに魚が送られてくる 日記 My acquaintance is in the fishing industry, and he occasionally sends me some fish. This time, I got in touch […] 続きを読む
メルカリで一方的にキャンセルされた 日記 Since I was unilaterally canceled on Mercari, I emailed the operator as follows. Today, I learned that the mer […] 続きを読む
大谷選手の第50ホームランがオークションに出品された 日記 The home run ball that Ohtani hit was exhibited at an auction. They say the minimum bid is 500,000 dollars. I […] 続きを読む
hellotalkに画像を投稿する場合 日記 When posting images on HelloTalk, if we divide one image into 9 parts, you can see it as one large picture. I […] 続きを読む
ヤフオクでノートパソコンを探している 日記 I have been looking for a laptop PC on Yahoo Auction. Buying a new PC is very expensive, but used PCs are sell […] 続きを読む
ようやくヤフオクでオーディオアンプを売ることができた 日記 At last, I was able to sell the audio amp on Yahoo Auction. Now, I am using the audio amp that I made myself. […] 続きを読む
焼肉の食べ放題の店に行って来た 日記 Today, I went to a Yakiniku all-you-can-eat shop. Usually, lunch specials are served only on weekdays at most […] 続きを読む