今日はサラダを作った 日記 Today, I made a potato salad. I usually don’t cook at all, but a potato salad is one thing I can manage to mak […] 続きを読む
ヤフオクでノートパソコンを買った 日記 I bought a laptop on Yahoo Auctions. It was made in 2018, so it’s a 6-year-old computer. I believe it wa […] 続きを読む
先日の野球の話の続き 日記 This is a continuation of the baseball story from the other day. I don’t like baseball, but unfortunately, my […] 続きを読む
長寿の秘訣を脂身のない肉を食べること 日記 An 88-year-old senior doctor posted an article online titled “My Eating Life” . He said the secret […] 続きを読む
釣りに行ってきた 日記 Yesterday, I went fishing. When I was young, I usually went fishing, but recently, I go about once a year. I l […] 続きを読む
僕は野球に興味がない 日記 In Japan, baseball is very popular. It is always broadcast on TV when there is a professional baseball game. N […] 続きを読む
長野の善光寺と軽井沢の白糸の滝に行ってきました 日記 This is a continuation of the post about the Matsumoto, Nagano City trip. I visited Zenkou Temple in Nagano Ci […] 続きを読む
今回の旅行は松本、長野に行って来た 日記 For a while, I couldn’t post to HelloTalk because I was on a domestic trip. I visited Matsumoto and Nagano Cit […] 続きを読む
糖尿病はやはり贅沢病だ 日記 I am a little overweight, with a BMI of about 24, which is just barely within the normal range. However, I hav […] 続きを読む
さっき、散歩していて驚いた 日記 Some time ago, I was surprised while taking a walk. I saw an elementary school student whose height seemed to […] 続きを読む