When I was a child, my mother was elaborate in natural food.
It was an abnormal elaboration.
She believed completely that meat or milk caused cancer.
I had no idea at all why she believed in that way.
If she had been good at cooking, her dishes might have been delicious.
But my mother could not cook at all.
I think now that she did not know even the basic cooking technique of removing astringent taste.
I can remember the foods I ate were curry with just curry roux or sautéed radish leaves in oil.
While she was in a bad mood, I said it was tasteless, then I was scolded so badly.
While she was in a good mood, I said it was tasteless, then I was told that I felt so because I was not hungry.
My father ate them silently to put her in a good mood.
My mother, like that, died of cancer.
↓The Japanese translation is here.↓