
Recently, I have been having strange dreams.
They are about my shoes disappearing.
I was curious about the meaning of these dreams, so I looked up dream interpretation related to shoes.
Here is what I found:
1 It is a sign that there is something about your current love life that is bothering you.
2 The meaning of the dream changes significantly based on the impression of the shoes in your dream or your behavior.
3 If you had a good dream, such as buying lovely shoes, it implies that you will have good fortune in your love life, such as a new relationship or marriage.
4 If you dream about dirty shoes or taking off your shoes, it predicts a sad event such as a farewell.
5 If you dream about shoes that don’t fit you, it predicts a decrease in your fortune.
Although none of these interpretations fit perfectly, if I had to choose one, it would be number 4.
I wish I hadn’t looked it up.

1 今の恋愛に何か気になる事があるしるしです。
2 夢の中の靴の印象やあなたの行動で意味合いが大きく変わります。
3 素敵な靴や靴を買うなど、よいイメージの夢だったなら、新しい恋や結婚など恋愛面で幸運が訪れることを暗示します。
4 汚れた靴や靴を脱ぐような夢は、別れなど悲しい出来事の前ぶれです。
5 サイズが合わない靴も同様に、運勢の降下を暗示します。